
joined 2 years ago
[–] Shagdaddy 36 points 2 years ago (5 children)

Bold of you to think people would fight back against that lol.

That actually sounds incredible

[–] Shagdaddy 31 points 2 years ago

I do use it regularly, but I miss some of the niche gaming communities. You can definitely tell there's a lot less activity on here, but hopefully it keeps growing with time.

[–] Shagdaddy 1 points 2 years ago

Just from a numerical standpoint...I'd think the difference between these two numbers would be the determining factor for death penalty vs no death penalty.

  1. How many innocent people have been killed on death row.

  2. How many innocent people have been killed by those who Could have been sentenced to death, but were not because the death penalty was not allowed.

Obviously you can't know the exactly number, but if you could get an estimate, and one was larger than the other... then you could answer purely from a "saving X number of innocent lives" perspective.

[–] Shagdaddy 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I may be reading this wrong. But are you saying if you are white, you must behave a certain way(refrain from yelling or cursing, etc...but if you are a minority, it's acceptable to do those things? Or have I totally missed what you are saying?