Maybe you shouldn't have skipped those reading comprehension classes
Fuck that motherfucker
You will own nothing and be happy.
This is why sites like lemmy are important.
We need to put an end to corporate tyranny.
Humans in power are too egocentric to not be kept in check.
Australia stun the animal before the halal slaughter.
Modern technology allows for this.
But in more rural areas how would you like the animal to be slaugtered humanely ? Bludgeoned to death ?
Regadring the choke out point, getting head locked will quickly knock you unconcious, so I imagine once the bood is cut off the same should happen to the animal.
you can touch and pet a dog, but slobbering over you yes you need to do the ritual thing.
Owning a dog is only permissible for guard and shepherding.
Also the trade of anything with canines is not allowed only adoption (cats and dogs) This was propably to prevent puppy and cat mills which are notoriously horrific.
Have you ever been in a jiu jitsu class and gotten choked ?
Muslim here, As long as you are travelling to a country that is considered people of the book, you shouldn't worry about the food unless it has pork in or make you drunk (yes you can have alcohol in your food if it doesn't make you drunk, as most food ferments but it has to be minisucule amounts).
I think all Australian meat is Halal by trade.
Also for sea animals all are permissible (except Shia don't eat shellfish or rabbits due to it having a claw or something)
All predatory land animals and avians are not allowed to bea eaten.
Maybe i like bullshit, which is why I like you