No, but a bad shooter could try to miss close to make it look legit and accidentally hit his ear. Trump didn't have to be hit, just come close.
Hey! You cant just feed hungry kids! They'll become dependant on having food!
Oh come on "he was with my mother in the jungle researching spiders when she died" is top tier writing!
These people love to shit on "angry incels on the internet" for their movie doing poorly completely ignoring all the loved successful female led movies that aren't hot garbage.
What were you playing?
Sorry! But you did ask to be spoiled
John snow dies.
Well if he wanted to be. Democrats are too fucking spineless to abuse their power even when given permission. That's exactly why the court ruled the way it did. They know biden won't abuse his power.
Nearly 250 years as a country and it's never been an issue until a criminal became president.
Well damn I can't do that over the internet. Sorry!
Do you really think banon, stone, or trump care if other people have to die if it sells their plan?