I just did this with Libation like a few weeks ago. Worked like a charm with Macbook. Theres's also this one, but I haven't tried it: https://audible-tools.github.io/
Edit: Shoutout for Smart AudioBook Player
I just did this with Libation like a few weeks ago. Worked like a charm with Macbook. Theres's also this one, but I haven't tried it: https://audible-tools.github.io/
Edit: Shoutout for Smart AudioBook Player
Not possible.
Tutamail shared calendars (which is a must) subscription was so confusing I didn't understand it. Like their whole subscription model is needlessly complicated.
We tried it but my wife hated it. With Proton, you have choose one subscription. I already use Pass plus so I can't have Mail plus (shared calendars) without Proton ultimate which is an overkill in my situation and too expensive.
Tell me about it. Wallet is literally the only good option. The alternatives to Maps don't come even close, it's simply the best and most convenient app. Same with Earth (use it rarely but still).
Haven't been able to replace (just yet)
My son is obsessed with Kiki and Ponyo.
Tbh the way they've arranged the actual execution doesn't sound too bad at all. Quick and painless. The worst part (or best, depending on who you ask) of the capital punishment in Japan is the fact the they never tell the prisoners the date of the execution, so they spend years, even decades in prison waiting for their final day until on the day itself they get know it's their last one. That's way more brutal than the hanging imho.
I think the city feels/looks more natural in the original. In Catalyst the city looks like it was build FOR the runners, like it's a playground not a real city.
That's the biggest reason I haven't switched to Jellyfin.