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[–] Sekrayray 41 points 11 months ago (19 children)

I know I’m a minority but as someone who works in emergency medicine I think the opposite.

If you come in thinking you have something there’s probably good reason, and I damn well better be sure you don’t have it if I’m going to send you home. You know your body better than me. It may not mean we test for it, but I need solid clinical decision making tools to support not testing for it

[–] Sekrayray 1 points 11 months ago

That makes more sense then. Still would need a house, but could manage that with planning/tiny home over time.

[–] Sekrayray 4 points 11 months ago (3 children)

If you’re addicted to a substance seek help for it.

This was my life when I experienced addiction.

[–] Sekrayray 9 points 11 months ago

I mean, reading the Wikipedia article is seems like there’s a lot known about the killer and a pretty clear motive of him wanting to kill a bunch of people…

[–] Sekrayray 1 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Something about the Vegas one (other than total number of fatalities) was so much more sinister. We barely even ever heard about the perpetrator. It’s always seemed bizarre to me.

Not saying we should be giving any media attention to mass killers, but it definitely breaks with the normal media portrayal.

[–] Sekrayray 6 points 11 months ago

My comment was mostly intended as a joke (like me being bullish is going to make the market move in the other direction), but I do think that what happened in 2020 was artificially can-kicked down the road by unprecedented government intervention in the market. So it’s less of a “severe as I’d like” scenario and more of a “curtailed by massive global intervention in the economy.” Maybe that staved it off forever and we will have a soft landing? Possible, but I don’t think so.

[–] Sekrayray 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)

How are you going to buy a bunch of land with a small amount of UBI?

[–] Sekrayray 29 points 11 months ago (2 children)

I’ve been saying this for a while, and that’s why I think a complex problem like this needs a more complex solution than UBI.

Essentially I think successful UBI would need to be something like UBS instead (Universal Basic Support). Instead of only being money it needs to consist of free services. That way it’s harder for third parties to leech it away.

So instead of “Here’s $1000 a month, do whatever you want” it would need to be more like “You can get free healthcare here, free electricity through this company, free food rations from this grocery store.” Then if you want things above UBS you need to have some source of income.

[–] Sekrayray 27 points 11 months ago (2 children)

We’ve been due for a recession since 2020–the drastic pullback for several months at the onset of COVID was hardly a “recession,” more like a blip. I’ve finally stopped saying it’s imminently going to happen, which maybe means it’s going to happen now.

[–] Sekrayray 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

The internet is such a funny place.

Open Lemmy and see this on the front page today with a ton of upvotes, yet I make a post a while back criticizing Boomers and my account gets brigaded and spammed. Hope that’s not happening to you OP!

Lemmy is almost as toxic as Reddit these days.

[–] Sekrayray 26 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Having mega corporations design space networks for you sounds like a great idea until they decide to lock you out and hold your government hostage. Or sell intel… Or sell access to other actors….

Just admit it—the corporations run the world at this point.

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