Especially if you missed it because you were browsing TikTok
I think it's more his expressions, like the tiny details that make you feel like he's really the person he's playing on the screen. Regardless of makeup or physical change, this is noticeable in how Tarantino told him to hold back during rehearsals to really bring out his costars' reactions in the final take of various scenes. That has nothing to do with what the character is or what he's wearing or his physical condition.
Damn, money for a photoshoot and JNCO jeans in 1998?
This kid must've held all the hands.
But when would I ever find myself with three depressed people with their full month's supply in the same room?
We don't want him out of art school, though, you saw what happened last time.
The entire point was the introduction of Master Cheeks.
"Luck is one of my skills" when it turns out this entire thing is a terrible idea for the date of humanity.
I read that as Just Poised on Things and thought it was very fitting.
I believe it because he has the appropriate Pepe for the post, he wouldn't be an artiste if he couldn't even manage that.
Haha yeah
Nah, it would all rust away, it's why we only have the pyramids from the civilizations that were around before the Egyptians, but not the rest of their tech.
My laptop sucks though so I can really only run anything up to Super Nintendo on it