Nope, I'm not seeing anything in the logs referring to the copying/hardlinking
Do you mind posting your compose file? I believe I have mine setup as you describe but radarr is still copying the files to my media folder.
So for all docker apps use just /data and for jellyfin you can use /data/media -I am using /data for all my docker apps
In Radarr: add root folder /data/media/movies add download client with radarr category -how do I change the root folder within radarr? I do have a radarr category setup for qbittorrent
In qbittorrent: Eddit your radarr category and set download path as /data/torrent/movies -I have set this up but qbittorrent still saves them in my /data/torrent folder
In jellyfin: Add movie library with path /data/media/movies -I can get jellyfin/plex to work ok
So when you add a movie in radarr, it will start downloading it in '/data/torrent/moviesand once its finished it will be renamed and hard linked todata/media/movies` -qbittorrent is not downloading to /data/torrent/movies even though I set the category to. Radarr is then copying my files to my media folder instead of hardlinking.
Hard linking is by default, but you can check in Settings - Media Management - Importing (make sure to enable “advanced” in radarr) -I do have the setting turned on to hardlink but it's copying
Since I was already set up with docker I didn't want to start from scratch using compose. I went through the guide and set up my folder structure and set my volumes to the exact same variables he did. I've followed some other peoples suggestions too and I have got it to work but now radarr is copying my files instead of hardlinking even though it is set to hardlink in the settings.
Great, thank you. I will spend some time and go through this.
Mine aren't hard linked then because radarr is copying them from my /data/torrents (qbittorrent download location) and putting them in my /data/media/movies folder. When I view the properties of the top level folder it is showing the space used as twice what the actual file is.
I half follow. I have given radarr access to the top level folder (/data, not /data/media) so it should see everything. qbittorrent is linked to /data/torrents for my downloads. Where in radarr might I map the folders so it's hard linking instead of copying?
Yes, I have a message in radarr that states "You are using docker; download client qbittorrent places downloads in /downloads but this directory does not appear to exist inside the container. Review your remote path mappings and container volume settings." I'm confused because I mapped /data to /data in my docker settings so it should be able to see the downloads folder, no?
I do also have the auto import from client box checked and I do have my /data/media/movies folder selected under the media management section.
Excuse my ignorance, but what docker file might that be?
I am using transmission but I am open to any of them I can get to work correctly. So with how you have Deluge set up, Sonarr takes your files from the downloads folder and moves them a different media folder that Plex, Jellyfin, etc. can view?
I am running DSM (Linux) 7.1.1 on my Synology NAS, I guess I should have been more clear, sorry. So I am using docker to run containers of sonarr, radarr, prowlarr, etc.
I am able to get jellyfin/plex to work with the correct folders so they see my media when after it's been copied over by radarr.
I am certain radarr is copying and not hardlinking. Going to the properties of the torrents folder and the properties of my media folder is showing that each folder is using up the same amount of space. Unless this is how it's shown when hardlinking is being used? I don't know how to check my disk space in anything but terabytes so it's hard to say how much space is being used that way when a file I download is only 1GB.