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[–] Sbauer 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Sure you can, happened many times in history. US independence, French Revolution, suffrage movement, civil rights movement. Elect radicals and they will change the system. But only if people wanted change, which they don’t.

People that want to get rid of billionaires, corporations in politics and people getting fairly represented are the minority. The majority want a wall on the border with Mexico, arming teachers or abortion rights and lgbtq rights etc. That’s what they care about. Highly controversial topics that ultimately change nothing about how the show is run.

[–] Sbauer 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The two candidates don’t come from nothing, there is primaries etc. My point is if people wanted change they could have change, but they actually don’t. Look what the French did to their monarchs and aristocrats when the people actually got fed up.

But step one is getting fed up, and most people ain’t fed up. They actually resist change, that’s why they go with the transparent lies the media and politicians feed them. They want minor change, not revolutionary change.

[–] Sbauer 0 points 5 months ago (5 children)

But thats just not true. Well maybe it's true for a country like china or north korea. But the rest of the world? We could elect people changing the system and there is nothing the 2k people could do. Sure they can influence elections to some degree, but if there was a true will for change? The reason the billionaires have so much power and protection is because a lot of people side with them and the system they support.

But again, the oligarchs ain't the problem. Getting rid of them just changes the ownership of the companies producing the pollution, what we need to do is change the companies and the way to do that is legislation. And that legislation is not supported by the majority of people. I mean look at east germany during the cold war if you don't believe me, not a single billionaire yet still horrible pollution. Billionaires don't cause pollution, people do.

[–] Sbauer 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Anyway, the point is: if it works, then it’s good. Rust does not make Linux worse. If anything, it makes it better because it makes it more accessible to programmers who know Rust but not C. And that’s a good thing. It ensures the Linux kernel will be around longer than whomever ends up being the last C developer.

Nobody is going to rewrite the entire kernel in rust. Parts of it are still written in assembler. It’s well over 30 million lines of code, 60% of it drivers. You can’t just go and rewrite that in a different language, hell it doesn’t even compile on the wrong C compiler version. You would need access to the hardware and run tests for every module you change at least or risk breaking stuff in production.

C programmers will always be around since they are necessary to keep the old code running on newer hardware. There are thousands of companies relying on the Linux and BSD kernels, for example every network router, switch etc.

I have nothing against rust, but there is always a danger of having too many programming languages used in the same project, especially if a error in one language can break something in a module written in the other. That’s just a nasty complication, especially for a time critical project like the kernel.

[–] Sbauer 12 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

sysV is the init system linux distributions used before systemd, openrc, upstart, runit, smf etc. It’s pretty much the old daddy and comes from Linux unix roots. Even MacOS used it before they made their own called launchd.

S6 sounds like a update to it since the capital V in sysv stands for the Roman numeral 5.

[–] Sbauer 1 points 5 months ago

It seems absurd how it is possible for a single person to incorporate the innumerable components required for functionality in a personal system that does not crash 100% of the time due to countless incompatibility errors that come with doing something like this.

It’s really just the package manager. Every package has a description that tells the package manager what it provides and what it needs(called dependencies). So if you tell it to install X, and X needs y and z to function the package manager will automatically pull them in as well as their dependencies. It’ll also know to avoid incompatibilities the same way, the packages themselves contain the information.

90% of the real work in making a new distro is packaging, I.e. finding a way of feeding the package manager the information it needs to do its job by creating the packages. 0.1% of arch users deal with that shit.

[–] Sbauer 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Nö, nix verstanden du hast, alles nochmal lesen du vielleicht solltest.

Thema Einwanderung, von wo sollen die denn einwandern? Aus armen Ländern etwa? Jo, lass uns die gebildeten und lernwilligen Leute abwerben. Haben ja nicht schon genug schaden mit dem Kolonialismus gemacht, Zeit denen so richtig in den Arsch zu treten. Wir kriegen die Leute ihr kriegt nix.

Nebenbei noch unseren Müll dahin exportieren und von Kindern dort in Minen die Rohstoffe für unsere Batterien abbauen lassen damit bei uns die sauberen E-Autos fahren. Läuft. Wir sind die guten.

[–] Sbauer 1 points 5 months ago

Ja, ist echt ärgerlich. Finde die Lage sogar schön, Stichstrasse in Hanglage grenzend an Wald. Parken direkt am Haus, keine fremden Leute. Nur gut 300m zur Landstraße und 10 Minuten zur Innenstadt. Leider sehr schlechte Anbindung mit Bus, Auto also Pflicht.

Die Wohnungen waren an sich auch toll. Waren halt früher zwei pro Etage die dann in eine große zusammengelegt wurden. Tut mir auch leid für die Mieter, wenn ich denke das man da 30-40 Jahre lebt, in Rente ist und dann raus muss bekomm ich Bauchschmerzen. Die verstehen doch die Welt nicht mehr.

[–] Sbauer 1 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Danke für den Tipp, wird in diesem Fall aber nichts helfen da er Gefahr attestiert hat. Die Sache liegt auch schon bei den Ämtern da die Hausverwaltung gepennt hat und dem Eigentümer vergessen hat zu informieren.

Das ist schon richtig so das die Heizungen raus müssen, soll ja keinem was passieren, aber es muss halt auch bezahlbar sein was ein Umbau auf eine Zentralheizung nicht ist, Angebot liegt bei 80000€. Das ist Sozialbau, Miete unter 400€ warm bei 80 m2 pro Wohnung. Da gibt die Bank keinen Kredit weil absehbar ist das das Geld über die Miete nicht wieder reinkommen wird.

Die Häuser sind im Verkauf, es hat jemand Interesse für Eigennutzung aller 6 Wohnungen, die Mieter werden rausgeschmissen, die Häuser saniert und dann wohnt da eine große Familie.

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