"Aku ingin pindah ke Soekartta"
Free Palestine from the river to the sea. 🇵🇸🇵🇸
Debunking : "From the river to the sea" is a call to genocide.
When Palestinians call for freedom from the river to the sea, they are calling for decolonization and the dismantling of this racist colonial entity which dominates their lives, and seek to replace it with a state that would not exist at the expense of the subjugation of others.
This is hardly a new or radical position, such an entity was suggested by the Arab states as a counter-proposal to the 1947 partition plan. Naturally, this was rejected by the Zionists. That we barely ever hear about the offers that the Yishuv/Israel rejected should be an indicator of the nature of mainstream discussions on Palestine and the silencing of Palestinian voices. The Palestinian Liberation Organization also called for establishing a secular, democratic unitary state for all its citizens. Naturally, none of these proposals included genocide, ethnic cleansing or mass murder.
What a radical thing to say.
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Di Indonesia yang banyak itu "tukang parkir" yang hanya muncul saat ingin pergi dan minta-minta uang.
Informasi tambahan (beberapa menampilkan kekerasan):
Poster seruan massa ormas bertajuk "Gerakan Minahasa Bebas Radikalisme":
Foto, video, dll.:
Rekaman massa ormas bergerak bentrok dengan massa Aksi Damai Bela Palestina:
Video pengeroyokan, terlihat massa pelaku pengeroyokan yang membawa bendera:
Tujuh orang terduga pelaku sudah ditangkap kepolisian:
Patut diapresiasi keberanian Gibran untuk menunjukkan ijazahnya. Semoga keberaniannya dapat ditiru oleh orang lain. 👍 😁