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[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago


"Aku ingin pindah ke Soekartta"

[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Free Palestine from the river to the sea. 🇵🇸🇵🇸

Debunking : "From the river to the sea" is a call to genocide.

When Palestinians call for freedom from the river to the sea, they are calling for decolonization and the dismantling of this racist colonial entity which dominates their lives, and seek to replace it with a state that would not exist at the expense of the subjugation of others.

This is hardly a new or radical position, such an entity was suggested by the Arab states as a counter-proposal to the 1947 partition plan. Naturally, this was rejected by the Zionists. That we barely ever hear about the offers that the Yishuv/Israel rejected should be an indicator of the nature of mainstream discussions on Palestine and the silencing of Palestinian voices. The Palestinian Liberation Organization also called for establishing a secular, democratic unitary state for all its citizens. Naturally, none of these proposals included genocide, ethnic cleansing or mass murder.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 7 months ago

What a radical thing to say.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (2 children)

perbanyak konten dan buat Lemmy jadi lebih ramah dengan SEO (search engine optimization).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Di Indonesia yang banyak itu "tukang parkir" yang hanya muncul saat ingin pergi dan minta-minta uang.


Ringkasan oleh Brave Leo :

  • Pembicara mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pemerintah dan masyarakat Indonesia atas dukungannya terhadap Palestina, khususnya pada saat konflik di Gaza baru-baru ini.

  • Pembicara mendesak pemerintah untuk terus mendukung kemerdekaan Palestina dan tidak berhenti sampai Palestina bebas dan aman.

  • Pembicara menekankan bahwa situasi saat ini di Palestina bukan hanya masalah agama, namun juga masalah kemanusiaan, dan komunitas internasional, termasuk Indonesia, harus mengambil tindakan untuk menghentikan kekerasan tersebut.

  • Pembicara menyerukan kepada PBB, khususnya Dewan Keamanan, untuk mengambil sikap tegas terhadap tindakan Israel di Palestina dan berupaya mencapai solusi dua negara.

  • Pembicara mendesak komunitas internasional untuk memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan ke Palestina dan mendukung rakyat Palestina dalam perjuangan kemerdekaannya.

  • Pembicara menyampaikan harapan agar PBB tidak tinggal diam terhadap isu Palestina dan akan mengambil tindakan untuk melindungi rakyat Palestina.


Apakah akan diperbaharui ke versi 0.19 ?


Bitung - Massa aksi bela Palestina terlibat bentrok dengan salah satu organisasi kemasyarakatan (ormas) di Kota Bitung, Sulawesi Utara (Sulut). Bentrokan itu membuat pihak kepolisian memperketat pengamanan hingga menetapkan status siaga satu.

Kapolres Bitung AKBP Tommy Bambang Souissa mengatakan insiden berawal saat salah satu ormas merayakan HUT ke-12 di wilayah GOR Dua Saudara, Bitung, Sabtu (25/11/2023) sore. Tommy menyebut acara HUT itu telah memperoleh izin dari pihaknya.


Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia condemns the Israeli attack on the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza, which has left several civilians dead, Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi said on Monday.

"The attack is a real violation of the international humanitarian law," she added, according to a transcript of her statement, which was released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Indonesian Foreign Minister's Press Briefing on the Development of the Situation of Indonesian Hospitals in Gaza. Transcript in English.


Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia condemns the Israeli attack on the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza, which has left several civilians dead, Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi said on Monday.

"The attack is a real violation of the international humanitarian law," she added, according to a transcript of her statement, which was released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Indonesia Condemns Israeli Attack on Indonesian Hospital in Gaza

Indonesian Foreign Minister's Press Briefing on the Development of the Situation of Indonesian Hospitals in Gaza. Transcript in English.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Patut diapresiasi keberanian Gibran untuk menunjukkan ijazahnya. Semoga keberaniannya dapat ditiru oleh orang lain. 👍 😁


Jakarta - Ijtima Ulama memberikan syarat berupa 13 pakta integritas untuk mendukung paslon nomor urut 1 Anies Baswedan dan Muhaimin Iskandar atau Cak Imin (AMIN). Syarat tersebut akan diserahkan oleh utusan Ijtima Ulama pada pekan ini.

"Pekan ini Insyaallah (akan diserahkan ke Anies-Cak Imin)," kata Sekretaris Steering Committee Ijtima Ulama 2023, Aziz Yanuar, kepada wartawan, Minggu (19/11/2023).

Aziz menyebut Ijtima Ulama akan mengutus lima orang perwakilan untuk menyampaikan pakta integritas tersebut. Adapun lima perwakilan itu yakni KH Muhyidin Junaedi hingga Habib Muhammad Alatas.


Bittersweet by Najla menyatakan sikapnya secara terbuka melalui unggahannya di Instagram @bittersweet_by_Najla. Tidak hanya Israel, produk yang dipimpin Najla Farid Bisyi itu juga memutus kerja sama dari sekutu.

"Bittersweet by Najla mulai saat ini berhenti bermuamalah (bekerja sama) dengan semua produk dan brand yang terafiliasi dengan Israel dan sekutu," ungkapnya dikutip dari unggahannya di Instagram, Jumat (17/11/2023).


Amid the horror of Israel’s war on Gaza, the destruction of Palestine’s strawberry harvest may seem insignificant.

But for Haq – one of three Indonesian MER-C volunteers based at the Indonesia Hospital – the memory of Gaza’s strawberries helps him cope. Each day is now a matter of survival in the territory, where Israel is now concentrating its attacks on hospitals.

“At the beginning of the war, we were still able to get some goods from the area around the hospital, like vegetables and instant noodles, but now it is impossible to get fresh produce like onions, tomatoes and cucumbers,” he said, speaking to Al Jazeera through WhatsApp voice messages.

“At the Indonesia Hospital now, staff only get a meal once a day at lunchtime, which is provided by [the neighbouring] Al-Shifa Hospital. For breakfast and dinner, staff eat biscuits or dates,” he said.

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