I might have found the sauce, but im unsure.
- SauceNao SourceURL:https://deviantart.com/view/510312663
- Title:Sweet Little Specter ~
- dA_id:510312663
- AuthorName:Manami-Iino
- AuthorUrl:http://manami-iino.deviantart.com
- Similarity:54.87
Found On Trace.Moe with a similarity of 0.89: - Title English:The Best!! Extremely Cool Student Council President Second Collection
- Title Romaji:Gokujou!! Mecha Mote Iinchou Second Collection
- Title Native:The Best!! Extremely Cool Student Council President Second Collection
- anilist Id:8538
Im pretty sure I found the sauce!
Found On Trace.Moe with a similarity of 0.87: - Title English: