
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

And that's a fair point to make but also one that now places Pharmacists in that role.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

A study measuring the aerosols from two vape users and comparing it with secondhand cigarette smoke found vapes produced a much lower level of ultrafine particles, but a much higher level of nanoparticles. It is not clear what risk these pose. Another study found vape use increased fine particles in a room’s air.

From SMH: Is secondhand vaping a growing threat or ‘fake news’?

It would seem the science is still not in on just how dangerous it is, but further in the article it says:

The question, says Demaio, is whether we should wait for conclusive evidence before taking action.

“We don’t have any long-term studies on the safety of these products, or on the safety of secondhand exposure. It took us 20 years to realise it [tobacco] was causing damage in the next generation of kids who were living with others who smoked.

“My worry is we take another two or three decades to realise the same thing.”

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (3 children)

I agree that it will further worsen the black market surrounding these products (just as the exorbitant ciggie tax has increased the illegal import of cigarettes that are not regulated.) A bunch of businesses will basically be shut down because of this ... they can't exactly pivot to something else. If they wanted to sell cigarettes they would have been doing so already.


What are people's thoughts here? I could understand removing all the lolly flavours and regulating like other tobacco products. I am an ex-smoker but I personally feel like this is govt over-reach. That might be an out-dated mindset of my time & generation (genX), however. So I'm interested to get some insight into how the broader population view this issue, particularly the younger generations, in both an overall opinion, but also in regards to such govt controls of recreational substances vs an individual's right of freedom to choose.


This is incredible news to wake up to! 😀 I cannot wait to see Julian home on Australian soil with his arms around his beautiful family. ❤️

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

This is the best news ever to wake up to! I can't wait to see him home on Australian soil with his arms around his family.❤️

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Yes. I was saying to my daughter this morning that they platform these crazy people and enable them. But then it is also true that they are in our govt so it moreover says a lot about a public that voted them into those positions and elevated their voice.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago (2 children)

The overall expense of this endevour seems to be the biggest factor against nuclear, especially for a relatively small population separated across a vast landmass.

Recycling is incredibly expensive as well, and still requires extensive storage pools for the waste to cool for several years before it can be recycled - granted not for thousands of years, but a lot of short-term storage space would still be required.

Not all the used fuel is suitable for recycling either. And I'm of the understanding that thus far, only about 30% of spent nuclear fuel has been recycled in countries that do it (though I believe this is a capacity issue, not a suitability of waste fuel issue).

I'm not yet convinced on the safety of modern nuclear plants in natural disaster/apocalyptic scenarios, but I agree that an Australia of the future could benefit from being OP.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 months ago (5 children)

Indeed. To me there is no debate: renewables are the only immediate way to bring us to net zero by 2050. The LNP are presenting this alternative as though we have time ahead of us - as if the planet is not already retaliating against our existence.

As an aside, the only somewhat valid argument I've heard is that nuclear would make future Australia an energy powerhouse for the region and allow for exponential growth, which is not something to dismiss flippantly. But in that I would think we would only need one, not seven! However, trying to put my paranoia aside about nuclear power plant meltdowns, that tech would need to be absolutely foolproof - and from my understanding, that is apparently true of modern nuclear generation tech available today. Yet, a solution for long-term storage of waste is still another huge and costly hurdle, let alone how you communicate the toxic danger of the area thousands of years into the future.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Yeh the headline is a bit odd. In video released by Australia Post they show a shepherd and other large dogs attacking the delivery workers. Though no matter the size, our posties should not have to deal with this shit.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 months ago

That is my hope but I hear people say things ... stupid things. Things like, "I like Peter Dutton, actually." 🤮 Which makes me lament the thought that the public can be easily persuaded to vote for these shysters at the next election and we will be stuck with their corrupt scams and BS for yet another decade!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

The coalition have sold off almost every public asset - more and more each time they are in power. It's so infuriating to watch as social benefits from our remaining govt budget are decreasing dramatically with the loss of income. I'm incensed by their negligent recklessness.

As to the loss of housing, well this again, is just further proof that LNP don't care if poor and vulnerable are housed. God forbid, we cant have low income people living somewhere practical, convenient, and with a nice view! Though I'd hazard a guess that public housing was not rebuilt elsewhere to replace the loss of accommodation from the selling of this building.


The press conference is currently still live so this was the best short video I could find on the topic.

To begin, I'm absolutely against this proposal, but I want to see a discussion - hopefully a constructive one - between Aussies (comments are always turned off for Australian news on YT) to gauge some idea of how people generally feel about the idea.

Fire off.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Hi and thanks for the advice! You are correct that:

It does matter going from balanced to unbalanced signal.

A standard mic cable has done the trick and I've been practicing all evening. Much appreciation for the help! 😎

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Thank you for the advice and for pointing out the input impedance of both the mic and mic input on the amp .... I have better understanding of that now. Your guess was correct in that it was the cable ... a standard XLR to TS jack did the trick! 😊


Hi There! I am a beginner to amplifiers and I purchased an Aroma AG-15a for busking, which has separate guitar and mic inputs. I purchased a dynamic stage mic (Behringer BA 85a) and an XLR to 1/4inch stereo TRS cord, but there is no sound when plugged in, even with both volume knobs on the amp turn up to full. I tested the dynamic mic on a different guitar amp (no mic input) and it worked, so the mic is not faulty.

I rigged up a connection to the problem amp with a battery powered Zoom H1N recording mic, and it worked, but this is obviously not the mic I want to use for performing. Everything I read says a dynamic mic is plug and play in this situation. I am finding it impossible to find information anywhere about whether there is something wrong with the amp, if I need a different mic, or I'm doing something else wrong.

So having watched a few videos, I discover that I might need a Mic Impedance Transformer to get 'power'/volume to the dynamic mic. Is a Mic Impedance Transformer a type of Mic Pre-amp?

Should I buy a Mic Impedance Transformer or a Mic Pre-amp??

P.S. I made a connection via a Hum Eliminator, and actually heard the mic thru the amp for the first time, but it is still very soft.

How do I solve my problem?

PLEASE HELP!! I'm tearing my hair out!

Thanks in advance for your expertise in this.

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