Marcille is in danger
joined 2 years ago
So that's why I like cooking! Always wondered about that.
The dark elf has major ara-ara onee-san vibes
POV of Falin the Feathered
Academia is a Junji Ito reference
Dresden Files? More like Dresden Fucks, amirite hehehe
HELA remembers
The amount of Marcille X Falin Yuri IS TOO GODDAMN HIGH
Just using some tiny mammoth population on an isolated island in Siberia to state "MAMMOTHS WERE STILL ROAMING THE EARTH WHEN BLAH BLAH BLAH" is somewhat disingenuous.
Several, yes. Egypt, Uruk, Indus, etc
I get a metric fuckton of them during the rainy season. Swarms of dragonflies. Needless to say, I do not have a mosquito problem.
Her mom seems like she'd be fine with either form