I'm a tedious Steam Controller user, and I just wanted to stop by and evangelise about gyro aiming. It's the only way. Ask me about trackpads. I dare you.
joined 1 year ago
The very same. My music app used to randomly commit suicide if I had the audacity to try opening a web page at the same time. Or sometimes just for the hell of it. I'm ashamed to admit that I queued for 3 hours to get that phone.
Emphatically agree. I'm not really anti-free-market, but in the absence of informed consumer choice, all you have is de facto monopolies.
Burnt by the OnePlus X, otherwise I would be interested in this.
I'm a Linux user and I'm so tempted to use Chicago95 as my every day theme. Ironically, of course...
Joey is currently canvassing for whether people would be willing to pay a subscription. As an average Joey user, the answer is no.