I've joked that if they made Spaceballs 2 they need to release it on VHS before it comes out in theaters.
Which is what pisses me off. If Google is so money hungry here, why not raise the rates on advertisers instead? Not like these multibillion dollar companies like Coke, Pepsi, Apple, etc have anywhere else to go for advertising online with a large audience exposure. If people have to watch ads, keep it minimal on the viewer and maximize it on the advertisers.
Japanese or broken knees.
It's spreading.
I'm bi, I like kissing everyone.
Arkansas is literally uninhabitable because of a Bio-Plague. Lol
Pretty sure this is the plotline of the Codename Kids Next Door movie special.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
I wish my data was only being sold to the NSA. Arguably, of every bit of data getting stolen and sold off to malicious entities, the NSA is pretty low on that list for me to care about.
At the same time, he finally gets to experience the hilarity of it.
Fine. Just working on stuff. Albeit very slowly.