joined 1 year ago
[–] SARGEx117 11 points 1 year ago (2 children)

So give them a solution they've never thought of before. I'm sure your internet degree is sufficient to convince them.

Everyone likes to preach about how it's wrong to do the thing they're doing, but nobody EVER has an alternative that will actually work, or hasn't been tried before.

I don't have a solution, and THIS certainly isn't it, but then I'm not dragging a soapbox around with me.

Go give the IRA a better solution. Go give the American colonists a better solution against the redcoats. Give the poor of france a better solution during the French revolution.

I don't have a better way, but don't pretend like you do

[–] SARGEx117 3 points 1 year ago

I actually just mowed three days ago, and while the nights have made pools too cold, it's certainly still warm enough during the day.

Yesterday was the coldest it's been mid-day since spring, and it took two days of rain and cold fronts to get there.

[–] SARGEx117 4 points 1 year ago


[–] SARGEx117 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

And since my wife and I aren't having kids, this shit stops with me.

[–] SARGEx117 19 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Don't worry about silly things like rights. You have no rights and no property if the proper authority arbitrarily decides you don't.

[–] SARGEx117 20 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I have lived at my current property for nearly 7 years now, and while I cut the main area up against the house once a week, I typically let the rest grow out for a month. Never used sprays other than flea and tick for my dog's yard, and never even pulled weeds.

Still, it's almost all completely homogenous grass. Not sure what species, but it doesn't grow very high. 3-5 inches. No wildflowers have encroached, no other grasses except clover, not even weeds other than dandelion. The only other thing that grows anywhere is some English ivy that's pissing me off all over the house. Every time I pull some out and dig up the root, I find more a few days later.

Still, MUCH higher insect, pollinator, and other wildlife activity vs my previous residence. It's been nice seeing fireflies again, even if it's still nowhere near what it was when I was a kid.

[–] SARGEx117 8 points 1 year ago

HA PTO that's not a real thing

My gendernonspecificusername, you can give me all the tips in the world but if there's no drive to do something, something is very unlikely to get done.

If this garage didn't contain 250,000 small items scattered everywhere, and was instead easily identifiable trash and large easily separable items, it would have been done the first week I dedicated to it when I left my last job. Hours and hours a day, every day for slightly more than a week.

If I could keep myself on track and not get super in-depth in specific areas, I'd have the bulk organized and the small stuff contained to a smaller area I could focus on over time.

Unfortunately, we don't live in Perfect, I get easily side-tracked, and for every hour I spend cleaning, I spend another messing around with the things I find and another 20 minutes figuring out where all the pieces to that abandoned project went.

If I could pay a couple people like $100 to help for a few hours, I could probably put up all my shelving, get the big stuff taken care of, and the shelves vaguely organized into hobbies. Buuuuut I don't trust strange people I don't know and I don't want people I DO know seeing how bad it's gotten. That last part is a big problem for me.

Why yes, I COULD use a therapist.

[–] SARGEx117 86 points 1 year ago (8 children)

I heard the phrase "in the 1900s" to refer to the 90s recently.

I instantly doubled in age.

[–] SARGEx117 7 points 1 year ago

And also not a good person.

[–] SARGEx117 11 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Around here, it hasn't gotten above 100 in many years, so people like to point at that to say nothing has changed.

Never mind the fact that spring is starting earlier and earlier, dropping shitloads more rain than normal, and it's October and people still have A/C on...

[–] SARGEx117 2 points 1 year ago


doesn't have to be all at once, but it DOES have to equal 3 months. And they have to get high customer satisfaction surveys like everyone else

[–] SARGEx117 14 points 1 year ago

When that guy gets maced or tasered, I would happily laugh in his face and tell him he deserved it.

How did the thought "I should follow this lone woman out to her car in the dark" pass through his mind...

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