
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 hours ago

So I should probably keep quiet about the three dozen eggs in my fridge?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 15 hours ago

It's one of those things that when you read about what is involved they make it sound really hard - lots of warnings about carefully adding oil drop by drop or you will ruin it, the recipes all seem to make it sound like a really labour intense effort with a high risk of failure. So a lot of people won't even get to the point of trying to do it and finding out how easy it actually is.

I think if you are used to bought mayonnaise you are also expecting a different flavour profile, so when you make it what you get tastes "wrong" because it is not what you are expecting.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 15 hours ago (2 children)

A batch of mayonnaise has now been made, ready to go on my fish burger for dinner.

When I was a kid we used to make this horrible concoction based on condensed milk that we called mayonnaise, I am very grateful that is no longer a thing in my life. I don't really like the standard purchased mayonnaise these days either. There was one brand of whole egg mayonnaise that I liked, but they changed from glass jars to plastic recently so I decided it is time to stop being lazy and start making my own. Last time I made it I pasturised the egg first, this time I decided to live on the edge and use it raw. If I die of salmonella poisoning in the next couple of weeks you will know where it came from.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 21 hours ago

35/50. Unusually high for me, but I will admit there were a couple of lucky guesses in the mix.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

The price increases tend to be one sudden jump upwards and then a slow slide downwards too. The different stations used to be fairly synchronised but they are all over the place these days.

I have the Petrol Spy app which tracks the prices at different places and it has a graph which shows the average prices over the last couple of months for each state. The different price pattern between them are crazy. We currently have price cycles that go up then back down over about a month, Perth apparently has dramatic weekly fluctuations. I'm pretty sure Melbourne's price cycles used to be a lot shorter, it would be interesting to have comparison over time as well.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I have a lovely gold one, why?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (4 children)

The fuel light's not on yet so I don't count it as urgent... I don't need to go anywhere much so I can probably manage another week on a few fumes but it is definitely not something I can put off too much longer.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (9 children)

Miserable weather today. The car was getting very low on fuel but I didn't really want to stop. I'd seen petrol this morning at 193c so made a bargain with myself that I would stop if it was below 190, but otherwise I would put it off. Damn petrol station had 187c. I was very affronted by its refusal to cooperate in my attempt to avoid stopping so decided to make a stand and refuse to fill up at such a rude and uncooperative petrol station. Home has now been successfully achieved and petrol can wait for another day.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Even basic recycling of things like plastics is not done well.

Government using contractors as part of the system is fine, but not having a system at all seems to be the problem. Government should at the very least be setting up effective frameworks for management, recycling and disposal of all types of waste. Instead they set up a few guidelines and leave it to "market forces" and wonder why we end up with dodgy systems geared towards profit for company owners at the expense of the health and safety of the general public and the workers involved in the industry.

In the past decade or so in Victoria alone there have been: warehouses full of soft plastic being stockpiled, warehouses full of contaminated "mixed recycling" being stockpiled, warehouses full of toxic chemicals stockpiled and being stored incorrectly, a massive property being used as an illegal dump for huge volumes of toxic waste being secretly buried, an old landfill site leaking dangerous levels of methane into houses in a nearby housing estate

These are just the ones that were big enough to be in the media that I can remember off the top of my head. This is what "market forces" and weak regulations get us

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

I have about three possums per square metre where I am. I hear them carousing across the roof nightly, one lives (and raises baby possums) in the blocked off chimney in the bedroom, and I regualrly hear them disputing territory in the back yard. I recently lost a staring competition with a possum sitting on the fence outside my kitchen window. I've also had a possum come inside the house on three separate occasions.

I like possums in general, but I'd be very happy to have a few less of them around, I'm completely outnumbered and the garden suffers from their nibbling as well.


I'm not sure how we're supposed to believe that disposal of nuclear waste won't be a problem when we can't manage systems to properly deal with the waste we are creating now.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

My cold has mostly gone but my sinuses are still full and it's causing my teeth to ache. I hope it's not a sign I'm getting a sinus infection or something, I have an appointment to have a broken tooth with a root near the sinus cavity removed next week and I'm a bit concerned a sinus problem could prevent that happening. I've been waiting months for this appointment already.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I have switched mostly to men's socks - my feet are right at the top of the standard size range for women, which means they are more stretched and wear holes quicker. The larger sizes of women's socks are often a bit too big and less available, but the standard size in men's business socks tends to work well.


Open House Melbourne will be held over the weekend of 27 & 28 July this year. The full program is being released on 26 June - tickets sell out fast, so if you are interested in attending any of the events you should book as soon as possible once the tickets are released.


"The foundations of our streets

This collection of Melbourne survey maps is a missing piece in the story of Melbourne’s development. They give an account of streetscapes, civic spaces and social development from a pivotal time in our city’s history.Β 

The maps are in archive, waiting to be conserved, catalogued and digitised. They are a treasure trove of history with value for researchers, families and students alike."


The change of year is always a good time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. I invite everyone to post here with their New Year reflections and resolutions. Next Year I will make another post and link back to this one so we can read our past thoughts and ideas.

You are free to use any format you like, but I would suggest:
What are the major milestones and changes that occured this year (and further back if you like)?
What good things are happening in your life that you would like to keep going?
What would you like to change or add into your life in the future?
What challenges do you expect to arise over the next year, and how do you plan on dealing with them?


I'm starting the post early today because I'm so excited for my yummy dinner plans! I did not get any turkey at Christmas, so tonight I'm roasting half a turkey for myself and having Second Christmas 😁

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