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[–] RunawayFixer 9 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Consort is not necessarily sexual, fe: The mayor was known to be consorting with known criminals. It's also not necessarily an illicit relationship: "queen consort" in the UK for example.

Paramour works for both male/female illicit sexual partners.

Personally I like "her/his poolboy" for a ladies'/man's male paramour, but that meaning is probably not going to be in a dictionary, though most people will get what is meant.

[–] RunawayFixer 10 points 2 days ago

There's countless reasons why they could have called off a tariff war, not least of which is that Colombia has a trade deficit with the usa, which would make a tariff war a very dumb idea for the USA.

This is all just classic Trump:
Make some dumb threats. Others explain to Trump how it will personally harm him somehow (otherwise he wouldn't care). Cancel the threats and declare victory. The other party shrugs, but keeps silent to avoid harming Trump's fragile ego.

[–] RunawayFixer 13 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Keywords to determine the credibility of this narrative: "the white house says".

It might be true, it might be false, but until the other party or an independent source with some actual credibility confirms it, we don't know. It's just more noise from Trump's white house.

[–] RunawayFixer -1 points 2 days ago

Also the same category as Reagan's election and the embassy hostages + Iran contra affair. It's part of the standard republican playbook now.

[–] RunawayFixer 11 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Canceling to downgrade your 365 subscription is the "normal" Microsoft way, so that part is not a new scummy practice that was invented for this scummy occasion. I do hope this forced upsell comes back to bite Microsoft in the ass, most consumers won't be aware of the downgrade option, but consumer agencies shouldn't let this slide, it's setting a very bad precedent.

The ms instructions:

  1. Go to Services & subscriptions and if prompted, sign in with the Microsoft account associated with your subscription.
  2. Find your current subscription and select Manage > Cancel subscription.
  3. The Cancel page will show you the features of your current subscription plan. If you're switching to another plan with less features, select the plan that works for you.
  4. Follow the instructions to complete the switch. Your existing subscription might not change immediately, but it will automatically change to the new plan when the plan renews. You won't be charged for the new plan until it renews into that plan.
[–] RunawayFixer 1 points 6 days ago

I had something like this on my hybrid, but it was fortunately spotted when I had my winter tires put on.

The problem was rust between the calipers and pads, which meant that the pads could come loose from even a mild impact.

[–] RunawayFixer 9 points 1 week ago

Animal Farm is the allegoric tale about communism in Russia.

1984 is more general about totalitarianism, still based on stuff that went on in Nazi Germany + Soviet union + wartime England, but it wasn't a full allegory of things that had already happened. It was more like a science-fiction prediction of the bad things that could happen in any nation if democracy and human rights were not protected.

[–] RunawayFixer 16 points 1 week ago

I still would love to hear your explanation of why he is "waving" at the American flag.

[–] RunawayFixer 18 points 1 week ago (3 children)

So according to you, Elon Musk has his heart in his upper left side longue, close to his left shoulder. Sounds like one special kind of human.

And if that's just waving, then why according to you did he wave to the American flag? Is that just how south-africans salute the usa flag, by "waving" at it?

And I also call bullshit on the claim of having watched countless videos. If you had, then you had seen a much greater variety of Nazi salutes. Nazis as they got older and/or higher in the Nazi hierarchy, they became sloppier with the Nazi salutes. Sometimes the mind is willing, but the body says no.

[–] RunawayFixer 69 points 1 week ago (2 children)

What the hell are you on about?

Elon Musk does an unmistakable Nazi salute, you claim he was just "waving", despite there not even having been a waving motion, just the one swing from left shoulder to full extended right arm, which is a textbook Nazi salute. And now you come with whataboutism about Hamas and I don't even know what's the point of it.

What kind of troll are you?

[–] RunawayFixer 101 points 1 week ago (16 children)

Have you seen the video? He did an unmistakable Nazi salute to the crowd, then turned around and did the same Nazi salute towards the USA flag. This was as Sieg heil as Nazi salutes come.

[–] RunawayFixer 2 points 1 week ago

Turkish delights, as I know them, are basically little sugar bombs, so they shouldn't need any other preservatives to have a very long shelf life.

I've never had any awful tasting ones, so I can only guess how they might be screwed up. My guess would be that some overly greedy multinational(s) is (are) using corn syrup instead of sucrose.


Nothing new.

This is also unchanged: "while countries like Sweden and Denmark also have quite high taxes, they manage to offer better services in terms of health care, higher pensions and free child care, among others."


Oud nieuws, maar nog niet gepost denk ik. De Pano reportage is zeker het bekijken waard, best wel grappig, en tegelijk ook triestig.


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