Yea, Hello Games, and No Man's Sky burned me so bad. I essentially had dreams about being Han solo, smuggling cargo from system to system, for months.
Then I got the game after pre-ordering and was dumbstruck at how..... Not anything they promised it was. I mean, the game was HUGE, but aside from that?
Ive heard they fixed it, but I never checked back in after playing for a few weeks. My 9 year old likes to play it though. It came out not long after he had as born hahaha.
What gets me about all of this, is that OK. Let's pretend I agree with conservative politics for a second. "We" disagree with people's "life choices / life styles" all the time. Why are we making it criminal again? If the shoe were on the other foot, making it criminal to be different, they'd be crying foul, and rightfully so. I hate that we've fallen this far
I know, I know. I'm using logic here. That's not something they do.