
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

11/20 "Het onderzoek - oratoruim in elf zangen" / Die Ermittlung / The investigation
#Auschwitz #WarCrimes #AuschwitzProzess #NaziMisdadigers #theater #toneel

Book Challenge: 20 books that have had an impact on who you are. One book a day for 20 days. No (or only very short) explanations, no reviews, just the title and the book covers. Don't forget the alt text.
#20books #20books20days #20boeken #20Bücher #BooksThatInfluencedYou #Books

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

10/20 "Access to Knowledge -in the age of intellectual property"
#AccessToInformation #AccessToKnowledge #OpenAccess #Copyright
(I was once asked in a kind of job interview about my personal motivation. My answer: access to knowledge. I got the job).

Book Challenge: 20 books that have had an impact on who you are. One book a day for 20 days.
#20books #20books20days #20boeken #20Bücher #BooksThatInfluencedYou #Books

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

9/20 "Love in Abundance - a counselor's advice on open relationships"
#Queer #OpenRelationship #Polyamory #Polyamorie #Multiamory

Book Challenge: 20 books that have had an impact on who you are. One book a day for 20 days.
#20books #20books20days #BooksThatInfluencedYou #Books

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (3 children)

8/20 "The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For"
(almost all of the episodes of DTWOF, a serie about lives, loves, and politics of a diverse group of characters most of them lesbians living in a city in the United States)
#Queer #Lesbian #Dykes

Book Challenge: 20 books that have had an impact on who you are. One book a day for 20 days.
#20books #20books20days #BooksThatInfluencedYou #Books

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (4 children)

7/20 "Charlotte von Mahlsdorf. Ich bin meine eigene Frau"/
"I Am My Own Woman: The Outlaw Life of Charlotte Von Mahlsdorf"
(beeing queer during WWII and later in the GDR)
#Queer #Trans+ #Gay #Activism

Book Challenge: 20 books that have had an impact on who you are. One book a day for 20 days.
#20books #20books20days #20boeken #20Bücher #BooksThatInfluencedYou #Books

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (5 children)

Oh wow, I never expected to find this book back...
6/20 "Heimatkunde" (social studies for primary school children in the GDR)
#DDR #GDR #education #schoolbooks

Book Challenge: 20 books that have had an impact on who you are. One book a day for 20 days. No (or only very short) explanations, no reviews, just the title and the book covers. Don't forget the alt text.
#20books #20books20days #20Bücher #BooksThatInfluencedYou #Books

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (6 children)

5/20 "Vakantiefietsen", "Einfälle statt Abfälle"
These books are extremely useful. They taught me almost everything I know about repairing a bike.
#Bikes #fietsen #Fahrrad

Book Challenge: 20 books that have had an impact on who you are.
One book a day for 20 days. No (or only very short) explanations, no reviews, just the title and the book cover. Don't forget the alt text.

#20books #20books20days #20boeken #20Bücher #BooksThatInfluencedYou #Books

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (7 children)

4/20 "Auf den Spuren von Tina Modotti"
#photography #Activism

Book Challenge: 20 books that have had an impact on who you are.

One book a day for 20 days. No (or only very short) explanations, no reviews, just the title and the book cover. Don't forget the alt text.

#20books #20books20days #20boeken #20Bücher #BooksThatInfluencedYou #books

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (8 children)

3/20 "Der Weg in die Berge. Eine Frau bei der kurdischen Befreiungsbewegung"

Book Challenge: 20 books that have had an impact on who you are.

One book a day for 20 days. No (or only very short) explanations, no reviews, just the title and the book cover. Don't forget the alt text.

#20books #20books20days #20boeken #20Bücher #BooksThatInfluencedYou #books #kurden

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (9 children)

2/20 "Kochvergnügen Vegetarisch" Not a novel, but a book that saved me when everyone in my family refused to cook vegetarian food. It now sits among many other great vegan and vegetarian cookbooks.
Book Challenge: 20 books that have had an impact on who you are. One book a day for 20 days. No (or only very short) explanations, no reviews, just the title and the book cover. Don't forget the alt text.#20books #20books20days #20boeken #20Bücher #BooksThatInfluencedYou @lesekreis @boeken @bookstodon

1/20 (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"Timm Thaler oder Das verkaufte Lachen"

Book Challenge: 20 books that have had an impact on who you are.

One book a day for 20 days. No (or only very short) explanations, no reviews, just the title and the book cover. Don't forget the alt text.

#20books #20books20days #20boeken #20Bücher #BooksThatInfluencedYou #books #kinderbücher


@photostroller Gestern über ein Graphic Novel gestolpert, dass dir vielleicht gefallen könnte: Die Farbe der Dinge / The Color of Things/ La couleur des choses von Martin Panchaud.
Interessanter Stil. Geschichte errinert mich entfernt an "Das Verkaufte Lachen", aber vielleicht täusche ich mich.
Habe es nämlich noch nicht gelesen. Es liegt lesebereit auf meinem Tisch :)
#GraphicNovel #GraphicNovels #Boeken #books #Bücher #art


Twee bijzondere nederlandstalige Graphic Novels:
* "Hoe overleven we" van Francis Bomen uit 2021 en
* "Stilte na de oorlog" van Nynke Kuipers uit 2024.

Over hoe bepaalde gebeurtenissen nog generaties later doorwerken... Heftig en dapper om er over te praten, te schrijven, te tekenen.

#GraphicNovel #GraphicNovels #Boeken #Trauma


Oh wow, the first flower on one of the chillie plants. I can hardly believe it. Exciting times :)

What do I do now?
Suggestions and experiences with pollination methods for indoor chilli plants are more than welcome.

#IndoorGardening #Plants #Gardening #ufochilli #habeneros #growing #chilli #chili #chillies #chilipeppers #chilisaison #Plantjournal

@[email protected]
@[email protected]


Lese gerade das Graphic Novel „Genossin Kuckuck“ über das Aufwachsen in der DDR von der preisgekrönten Anke Feuchtenberger.

Es hat was Surrealistisches und Träumerisches, aber auch manchmal ein bisschen Beängstigendes...

#Boeken #Bücher #Bookstodon
#Lezen #Lees #Lesen #Read #GraphicNovel
#AnkeFeuchtenberger #GenossinKuckuck #DDR

@RadioCORAX Danke für den Buchtipp vom 22. März (Nachhören).



Great Podcast: "Stuff the British Stole" by Marc Fennell

A must-listen podcast.

I have just finished the latest episode, which is about the true story of Matoaka. You probably know her as Pocahontas from the Disney film.

#IndigenousPeople #FirstNation #Matoaka #Pocahontas #StuffTheBritishStole #Colonialism #history #BritishEmpire #Podcast #Podcasts
@[email protected]
@[email protected] @[email protected]
@[email protected]