I know I'm coming at this from something resembling "rationality," so I could never pose the following question in a real debate with a "pro-lifer," but the "leave it up to the states" argument absolutely infuriates me with how stupid it is on its face.
The supposed pro-life argument is that life is precious/sacred and must be protected even if a fetus isn't [yet] viable. Why the FUCK would that be allowed to be defined differently by state!? Either all life is precious and must be protected nationwide (or worldwide) or their supposed reasoning is bullshit.
Because of course it's bullshit, just like the SCOTUS ruling. We either have a national definition of a person and citizen, or we have none. The current system doesn't make a person until birth when the birth certificate is filled out. States should have absolutely no right to determine differing periods of time to determine whether or not something is a viable, legal "person."
If abortion is banned as per evangelical wackos screeching "life begins at conception," then logically the state has to force itself into every bedroom, issue "life certificates" and apply for social security numbers for every single damn blastocyst, then arrest every parent that miscarries for involuntary manslaughter at least, otherwise the entire argument of life is bullshit.
But then the entire pro-life argument from any legislator is inherently hypocritical bullshit because it's nothing other than class warfare.
As soon as this defense works, a manifesto should appear that says something along the lines of "Extermination of MAGA traitors is a righteous cause, just like the elimination of NAZIs."
Then see how they react when a MAGA rally gets bombed. Surely they'll understand the bomber just thought they were doing what is right?