Getting nostalgia hits thinking about loading up some version of WaaS (AOL script kiddie program for those unaware) that used Shoots and Ladders for a startup jingle, and I'm replying to ZeroCool. Hah.
I couldn't figure out why, but I always thought the Cardassian women were extremely pretty. Maybe due to forcing more facial symmetry from the makeup/prosthetics or something.
Regardless, they're much better looking than those other people... with makeup and prosthetics...
It's certainly making me want to commit violence. Just not against who he is intending.
Agreed. The 14th needs clarification anyway with some "shall not be eligible" and details on how to define one having engaged in insurrection/rebellion (with or without convictions) so we just need a new amendment. Simple! ...D'oh.
Hopefully we get some good case law precedent out of the current state suits to give the 14th some teeth, even if it still wouldn't apply nationally or to this wacko.
Oh fuckballs you're entirely correct and I'm dumb. I don't know why I struck that from my mind that the entire section required a previous oath.
Yeah the last couple days I've really had my hackles up on the doom and gloom stuff. It's makey me cray cray.
Giving the Admin the benefit of the doubt, they just weren't expecting the continuation of the insanity. I think Biden has more faith in people wanting to do the right thing than what the GOP and their enablers have proven otherwise. Naive, maybe, or just far too much experience with the "old school" methods of politicking that were thrown out by Trump's cult and are continuing to through the insane "media" and traitorous representatives in Congress.
But yes, Garland slow-walking the prosecutions should have been a flaming red flag, and maybe it was, and orders to 'get it done' or GTFO prompted the Special Prosecutor appointment that got it back on track, but that might be wishful thinking on my part.
~~14th Amendment, Section 3. He IS banned.~~ Edit: totally forgot prior oath of office requirement, dbag joined the US Navy prior and violated that oath, but wasn't holder of any office so section 3 wouldn't apply.
Enforcement of this law is the issue. There is no method or apparatus detailed in the amendment for enforcement, so this gets left to Secretaries of State or the Judiciary to make a ruling.
This is what is being litigated in multiple states for keeping Trump off the ballot.
Around 2020.
I think it's long, long past time for Biden to replace Garland with someone that walks loudly and carries a very large stick. Shitclowns are going to scream that they're political witch hunts either way. Fuck the optics, put the traitors where they belong.
The Federal Judges picked the map for Alabama after their legislature's racist asses sent the case all the way to the SCOTUS, who rightfully declined to hear the case and the same thing would likely happen here. But nah we have to be massive cynics ignorant of the system and just assume everything is burning down around us so that we're powerless to do anything about it because we're too lazy to figure out something to do to help save democracy.
"continued political polarization"
Weird way to spell "flagrant GOP obstructionism and dysfunction."
Jamaharon still works even if it's in a holosuite!