That, to me, screams out of round. I'd be worried.
Damn. I just went down a rabbit hole. That Elan school is Fucked! Thanks for sharing.
Frankly, I think it's fucking stupid. I hate all the foodporn, mapporn, dogporn. It gets really confusing when I'm beating it.
I worked with a guy that said "don't tell me you used noctua fans on your 3d printer" I was like 😮. He really thought they were shit. He's wrong.
How would someone go about getting a whole ass game? I've never done it.
Great video!
An evil that wears many masks.
Well, the guy was right. It needed a lot more blood to fix the issue.
Unfortunately, I think the current issues with wealth inequality in the US might only end with bloodshed as well.
I don't think this is projecting, she's just being straight up racist.
Sounds like some sensationalized bullshit. They don't give a single number or meaningful statement and they are paywalled.
If there is any way that they could beat red bull and max, I'm all for them joining.
I kinda doubt they stand a chance though 😕
Hopefully losing their designer will actually hurt red bull.
It's unbelievable how much hate for LTT there is on this platform. I like them. No one is perfect. This investigation from a third party is a good thing and the findings are good as well. The statement about defamation, I feel, is warranted because the ex-employee made a ton of very damning claims and really hurt their image. The Fediverse is a great example of this damage.
The hate from this community towards LTT is extreme and unfounded.