I was only joking, though I guess Lemmys need the /s to understand.
Don't have anything against systemd—as goes with anything—use whatever suits your needs.
I was only joking, though I guess Lemmys need the /s to understand.
Don't have anything against systemd—as goes with anything—use whatever suits your needs.
Zijn ze net zo bitter als het leven?
Is goed, dan gaan wij gezellig bij jou barbecueën hahaha
Had het niet beter kunnen verwoorden. Niemand zit te wachten om een algoritmische receptuur voorgeschotelt te krijgen.
Gewoon lekker kletsen met anderen -- net zoals die goeie ouwe tijd op Hyves. Geen algoritmes. Geen afleidingen. Puur betekenisvolle conversaties en natuurlijk gezelligheid!
As bad as hard drugs? Do you have any objective scientific evidence to support that claim? Or did the community of NoFap sell you that lie?
I think everyone can agree excessive porn use is bad, but I don't see the problem in people using it given they use it in moderation. Personally, I find the industry appalling, hence why I use my imagination. Though other people may find pleasure in watching porn and that's completely fine -- why not let them? Some couples use it for inspiration to spice things up, again, why not let them?
Making it illegal would only worsen matters, because then they're going to start browsing the dark web to find what they seek.
We're glad to have you! Here is your champagne 🥂
Fair enough man, I'd stick with dual-boot in that case as well.
Personally, I don't see why we'd want to bring erotica to Lemmy.
There's already an abundance to be found on other platforms. Why load moderators with the tasks of filtering porn? If one must watch porn so desperately -- why not go to porn sites? I don't see the point.
I find it better to use my imagination anyway. Not thinking any less of people who want to watch porn, you do you, but I find the industry itself rather appalling. In the end, I don't see why we'd want to bring all trouble porn entails here.
Hey man, I've commented this before to someone else, but you could always try GPU pass-through on a W11 virtual machine. If you don't care for the marginal performance decrease it's certainly worth it, and it means you truly get to stay in Arch!
Not too certain if I understand, but you want your laptop screen output to display on a wireless monitor? That's certainly possible -- all you've got to do is purchase wireless HDMI, though mind you those can be rather pricey. Plug the wireless HDMI in your laptop and monitor of choice. Then all you've got to do is connect your bluetooth devices to your laptop and you're done.
Mind you, there will certainly be a delay, as goes with everything that's wireless. At home I use wireless HDMI for my beamer and my telephone even interferes with the signal. Not fun when watching a film.
An alternative would be a Steam link, but other people may have a better solution. Not even sure if Valve still sells those (I don't game anymore).
I can't believe people fell for this and downvoted you to oblivion lmao
Either they're playing along or they're born in the shallow end of the gene pool.