Prices are there in the TestFlight version. Assume the same error preventing purchases is preventing those being displayed as they probably pull the price dynamically from the App Store.
It’s definitely worth thinking about your use case and whether a second hand mini-pc of some sort is a better option. Along with the Pi itself many people are probably going to need a new case and quite possibly a power adapter too given the new power profile. An older PC where that’s taken care off, and where you probably have a 120GB SSD included, could be the better option for some people.
Yeah, removing EE encryption by providers won’t be effective at all. Back in uni throwing together a bit of code to encrypt files and corresponding code to decrypt it was one of the very first lessons that gets taught. It’s trivially done if not by an existing product, then doing it yourself. Anyone wanting to circumvent this will just encrypt data before they send it over these channels and in the end no one is particularly safer for the laws.
I’m all for laws that help protect children, but I don’t see preventing EE encryption as an effective solution at all to the issue being addressed.
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I’m on the test flight beta so not sure if this options in the App Store release or not yet though.
Being able to move it would be good, as well as hide it outright.
I think they’re a bit damned if they do, damned if they don’t, given a lot of users are clamouring for these features however the TestFlight is full so new users that want to be on the bleeding edge can’t get in.
There was talk about removing test flight users that weren’t actively using the app, unsure if they’ve pursued that and if that’s the way forward, but it may be a short term fix if it is available.
I’m struggling to find where I heard about this, but if you post to Twitter (or I guess it’s X now) and tag @Sync, they should get back in touch with you and offer you a bonus 10GB for the positive outreach.
Since I don’t know about where I heard about the offer originally, the next best thing might be my post which Sync responded to as evidence of the bonus. Along with one or two other bonuses which one may have been a referral, I’m at 17GB on the free account which is pretty decent, and certainly not as burdensome as the referral process one has to go through with Dropbox to grow the free tier there.
They’re a great service from the time I’ve spent with it and worth a go.
Also glad to see Lewis on top, and Lando right up there again.
Likewise good to see Dan do about as well as one could ask for with his car in those conditions.
Still not an amazing showing, but Perez making Q3 and breaking that drought is also good to see after such a terrible Friday.
Yeah I’ve had it. Noticed it under 0.4 consistently and believe I saw it just a bit earlier with 0.5 also.
Using the Dracula and Light theme set to match the OS current dark/light mode.
Their staff posted on their Reddit channels that it’s a limitation of their billing system, I believe in relation to having two different services at once. They said they’re working on updating the billing system to support this but I don’t recall an ETA.
I think you’d have to create a second account currently, but then you may lose access to the introductory pricing to Proton Pass if later you wanted to move back.
Monthly $2.99, Annual $22.99 and Lifetime 49.99. This is in $AUD.
Unsure what that comes to exactly in USD but I assume it’s around $1.99 and $14.99 or there abouts. Other posts note lifetime is $30USD.