If you really want to see it, you may try loading it up in archive.org or achive.today. The bonus is that the webpage now has been archived and anyone can find it if it disappears.
Also, if you install uBlock Origin, it might be able to automatically hide these access blocker things. Actually, it is totally able, the only question is if you have a block list enabled that tells it how to do so
Edit: just noticed after sending that this is a 2 years old post. Sorry! How did this get into my subscriptions feed?
"several changes made by google to chromium"
No, they don't. They released a lite version that will attempt to do it's thing in the limited environment of up to date chromium browsers.
(Edit: here are the differences between the normal and this lite version as explained by the developer: https://libreddit.pussthecat.org/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/1067als/eli5_ublock_lite_vs_ublock_origin/j3h00xj/?context=3)
And then here is something new that shows how google can not only easily control chroimum based browsers, but basically every other one too, by creating their own definition of "open web":
Their vision: https://github.com/RupertBenWiser/Web-Environment-Integrity/blob/main/explainer.md
Users thoughts: https://github.com/RupertBenWiser/Web-Environment-Integrity/issues
A specific issue (there are more) where the standpoint of googlers (you are dumb! (does not explain why)) and the users (we don't want this!) can be clearly seen: https://github.com/RupertBenWiser/Web-Environment-Integrity/issues/36
Discussion on lemmy: https://lemmy.blackeco.com/post/25574