That's an odd way to spell 'majestically'.
I agree, and the juice is so rarely worth the squeeze, often taking multiple failed attempts to even get a mediocre entry. Nostalgia is not always a sure-fire tool to make money, as I hope studios and media will take to heart (but probably won't).
In the past, the two Bobs said it would happen 'over their dead bodies' and MJF asked an interviewer who inquired about a sequel 'what would the new one do that we didn't already do? There's a beginning, a middle, and an end,'
I'm just here for the merfolk.
Hell yeah you can my dude. I agree with the others, I would guess it was Mr. Jackson even without the reference photo.
Seriously though, after 2016 and narrowly squeaking by in 2020, you'd think they'd learn to stop squashing the progressives and embracing Dick Fucking Cheney and the rest of the Status Quo gang.
I was going to say it's more titillating than SLAMMED. Why can't we use 'chastised' or 'lambasted'?
I am Wockhardt right now.
RRTANGENTABACUS-Episode 1 Podracer hahaha