It doesn't matter how many nukes Russia has, or how many anti-nuke systems they have. Ukraine only needs to get lucky once. That fear will make Russia back off. It works for North Korea, it can work for Ukraine. The US is unreliable at best and a bunch of lying traitorous scum at worst, so there's no point in relying on them for anything. The ONLY way a country can protect itself from invasion these days is to have a "I'm taking the entire world with me" button.
Ukraine should just build nukes, test one of them and then say to Russia "Get out, or the next one is landing on Moscow".
Couple years now. Old accounts got grandfathered in but if you never made a full account or started using WeMod recently there's a 2 hour timer that when it expires turns off all the cheats and demands you pay the fee.
WeMod is shit now. It used to be free but now they demand you pay them if you play for more than 2 hours.
Peppercorns, but when ground up it becomes pepper.
I think it's more "Butt as an alternative to algorithms" which I fully agree with. Butts are better than algorithms
Does it fight algorithm addiction or does it just utilise existing algorithm addiction to give you something slightly more informative?
I still miss /r/asksciencefiction. I want to ask and answer questions about my favourite franchises, but the community on Lemmy is woefully dead.
I mean... Did they not say what their hobbies were before they met? How do you go on a date with someone without knowing anything about them?
You know full well what I mean.
No, it's canon. Disney bought Star Wars in 2012, so everything after that point is canon (with the exception of things like the Lego games and Visions)
More like the best choice. If you don't want to be invaded, you need nukes. Any country that had nukes and gets rid of them is just asking to be invaded. Libya got rid of their nukes, got invaded, collapsed. Ukraine got rid of their nukes, got invaded, got abandoned by the US. Canada got rid of their nukes, Trump is talking about annexing the country. I guarantee Trump would be a lot more polite to the Canadians if they had something they could point right at Mar A Lago and go "Invade us at your fucking peril".