Do it. Isolate this evil shithole until it collapses. Please do it.
The US needs to be broken up the way the USSR was.
Do it. Isolate this evil shithole until it collapses. Please do it.
The US needs to be broken up the way the USSR was.
You should buy a copy of Mao's little red book though.
Good move. Call GovCo's bluff.
If the TT ban has taught us anything it's that nothing is safe from the evil machinations of fuckin tech bros.
Each one is a pestilence on this country.
We need some of that energy over here in the US.
I'd rather it stay shut down than be sold to some GovCo approved billionaire oxygen thief who's going to tear apart the algorithm and turn it into another tool to control thought and manufacture consent.
Just confirming what we've all already known for.years.
We're boned.
Leveling system is trash. Economy balance is dogshit.
I hope I live long enough to see the petrodollar die.