Countries, slut shaming, office hours, time zones, dress codes...
Unless you account for them thinking of the carrier as just that. A means to an end.
Move to the US, problem solved.
That's not even fem specific! Anyone can be a femcel!
Especially now that everyone in the US is a woman by definition.
Oh, Siemens.
Ist das HBomberman? Ich erkenns nicht so recht.
What's so bad about Teams?
Hui, da geht's rund.
I just recently found CrystalMark and was so confused about the downloads. If there was only anime girl skins I would have looked elsewhere, despite it being highly recommended lol. Can't send that to our CEO and demand we change hypervisor throughout our company...
Und wenn man die wie mein Opa ausspricht, haben sie alle ein "e".
Just saw an article this morning about how the Swiss federal retirement fund (AHV) is now managed by a US bank, which could freeze assets if it wanted to. The facepalm is nuclear.
The reason: It's cheaper.
But "politics don't interest me", "I don't vote, nothing really changes, anyway", "I don't pay attention, too much effort".
... I'm burning out. I need a hole to crawl into for a while.
Just moved to Proxmox. Vaultwarden as an LXC from helper-scripts is so easy.