Oh wow, the old KiKa logo. Ketchup and mustard.
Ok I'm sorry, but I hope that first stair kitty is named Adolf.
Franchise? Ended? That's an oxymoron.
Instead of print you could add them to a second array, though. Even clear the original first for "in place" sorting; never mind the memory allocation for the lambdas.
Reset password via email. Reset second factor via email. Email is the only factor, neither password nor the 2fa.
Usually, the actual login is not the easiest target for an attacker, the recovery methods are. You call a helpline to get a second SIM for SMS codes. You guess (or dig up) answers to recovery questions if available. You get access to email accounts, e. g. via phishing.
If a recovery path for a security factor is weak, it ceases to be a security factor. By allowing both password and the second factor to be recoverable via email, both factors collapse into one: get access to the email and you're in.
Der Autor, der sich selbst zitiert. Quelle: vertrau mir, Brudi.
No can do, but I can put you in an envelope, head optional.
I can fix her~~
Persistence of vision and deliberate frame rates interpolate, too, and AI interpolation fucked it up. If you were to do the same thing to music, you'd take two points of the wave and interpolate linearly - which will definitely break the wave. All for the sake of "more information".
Like you say, it's already working fine. I'm asking them not to put AI anywhere near it, please.
As long as it can be milked it will be milked. They'd never end a franchise voluntarily.