As long as it's just a flu it shouldn't be a problem, right? The flu is harmless, after all.
Also very easy to post all that shit from the safety of the walled garden that is Switzerland. But if your product is anti-persecution tools, rising fascism is good for business.
Well color me constipated, because no shit.
Ups, 30ms statt 30s Zeitaus. Passiert jedem mal.
It's all just propaganda. Media people will be helpful in that endeavor.
I mean, Magic is just "all of the above".
The stock market is just gambling. But it's not betting on a certain company's well-being, it's whether high frequency trading algos and market maker loophole abuse will make your portfolio improve or not. If you foresaw the dude saying the thing and got some order set up to catch it in time you might even get a trade on the lit market, but most trading happens somewhere else at different prices and at times you're not allowed to participate.
Die Aufgabe war: Wie würde die Antwort eines LLM zum Thema xyz aussehen?
Especially if there's a lineup of people waiting to shake hands. "Hello. How are you. Happy Easter. Gondor calls for aid."
"Then I take it back."
365 x 4 + 1. Countdown läuft.