Never under estimate the outrage of a nerd.
Has anyone actually did any detailed testing on it? We already have two pieces of software that do the same thing and while choice is good I feel like Virtual Desktop has the good version on lock down, I guess maybe valve can steal the easy version crown from Meta?
Depends on how good it is. I still people pushing others toward VD even though Meta has their own now.
3 pieces of software now to do the same thing. interesting.
Can I stop it for myself as well? Because if so, score.
I was one of the first subscribers to Pandora. They actually emailed me and gave me 6 months free as a thank you for being the first x number of subscribers. It used to rule. But last time I checked it out I was a bit disappointed. Its like it got dumber somehow.
Why? Access probably. I get exposed to a lot of EDM from friends and I do really love it a lot. My favorite right now is Apashe.
On the flip side, I'm older. Radio is gone far as I'm concerned so my rock/metal taste have just kind of sat there until this year I got annoyed and for a while made a concerted effort to find new music I like. But now that list has sort of stagnated again. I just don't have the time.
Radio sucked, and continues to suck. But it did act like a kind of filter for the previous generations. With it gone those few of us who are still interested in new music have a harder time.
Computer hardware overall i more dependable then it used to be IMO. So is windows itself.
Even when I still used reddit I wouldn't be caught dead in the default app.
Not really my jam but I tracked through a few tracks of each band. I will say threw things.
- The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble is a fire band name.
- Something about that song they have Embers feels nice.
- Their description overall was very apt.
I recently got asked to do the Survey. For the first time in a very long time I said yes. For the first time ever I made sure I had my VR headset plugging in while I did it.