thats good to know because I absolutely refuse to give spotify money. So if my arr way of using spotify stops working I'll looking into Apple.... or maybe Tidal.
oh helllllll yeah
edit: holy crap that video is a wider aspect ratio then my ultra wide monitor.
Last i tried apple music on android it was terrible, and you would select a song and it would just sit there a few seconds before it played.
It took me so long to beat Radiance. But damn it wasn't one of my top 10 fav moments in gaming.
A stand up from my chair yelling smack talk at my monitor moment
None specifically but until very recently I had very poor internet speed at my house so deleting things hurt.
Honestly the Q2 has been a great experience overall. Mind you I mostly play PCVR titles but the ability to turn on my windows hotspot and connect the Q2 and play via Virtual Desktop has been killer. (I use Virtual Desktop over the built-in functions because it allows me to tweak settings).
My biggest issues with it have been.
- Battery life (not changed by the 3)
- Keeping my center vision focused on that sweet spot which should be improved between the new lenses (making the sweet spot bigger) and the more balance headset. (so hopefully I don't have to use skull crushing pressure to keep it on that sweet spot)
- The fact that I opted for the 64gb version when I bought mine (which I can now correct)
So I bit the bullet and pre ordered. Finger crossed.
Glad I ripped that band aid off already. Only reason I go there is for buildapcsales now.
Is the woman supposed to be Jaheira? Because I don't think she's capable of smiling.
It really is.
But the older I get the more I prefer Wish You Were Here.
I unironically love the song. But I have actively trolled a bar with an internet juke box using it several times.
Step 1. Uninstall Chrome why are you still running it? Stop giving Google power over the internet. Just stop. Uninstall it. Use Firefox, Brave if you must. Just ditch Chrome.
Step 2. See above. Just flipping stop. No, don't install another browser and keep chrome. Just DITCH CHROME. TOTALLY. If you need a backup use Edge or Brave or Firefox. STOP GIVING GOOGLE POWER OVER THE INTERNET.