Because paying actual money for something that can be taken away with the changing of ever shifting IP ownership and steaming rights is a giant waste of money.
If you can't save it, its not yours. Sail the seas.
Littering and, littering and......
sense8? Like the show?
Its not the other party as much as the other party and also they are wanting to pay electronically in with a method they can refund on.
VR has a lot of little gotchas.
Some of the "fixes" come with their own gotchas.
But collectively these companies are chipping away at them generation by generation.
For me the bigger "sweet spot" due to the new lenses is what sold me. I can't wait.
Want your item. My wife will pick up later today but I'll pay via scammy method. What is your scammy method ID?
- The markup for the 512 disgusted me.
Exactly the same. That email letting us know it was a mistake was waaaaaaay late.
Enthusiast? Quite a bit probably. General Public? None.
Apple: Deflection Champion for many years running.
and save outside of their app as a non DRM'ed file because otherwise its extra hoops for the same problem