Alright my friend. Don't be afraid to feel your feelings, we all have 'em. :)
Also just talking about your kinks and other things you're ashamed of with people you trust is really helpful in clearing that. Shame will hold you back from being true to yourself, and it's not worth it.
Don't worry trainer, you can always get back together in a big ol' group of all your friends and between everyone we'll be able to figure out all their names. :)
I used to be in this meme, now I read it and feel a certain sense of relief that I'm becoming a little bit more like the person I want to be.
If you want to talk about anything you've got people here who want to listen to you.
How do we encourage people to be true to themselves?
Is it possible to go too far in one direction? You'll never know unless you find out, and there's no guarantee you'll ever find out.
I think in his later years Feynman did LSD and started feeling more comfortable with the potential philosophical ramifications of his work. We have to draw a line somewhere as a starting point for our understanding of reality, but it's important to always be willing to reconsider that line. That's what good science is all about.
As long as she's willing to put up with that nonsense I'd love to see her as president. But I can certainly imagine a person in her position not wanting to rock the boat and subject herself to that.
I've been reading The Screwtape Letters and having aot of fun with it. Lewis and Wormwood both know how to pull the levers to get an emotional reaction out of a person lol
Yeah, something like that. God as described in the Bible makes no sense to me. He's just a placeholder for the the unknowable answer. And if that's the case there's nothing that restricts the concept of "God" to the Christian religion. To restrict God to Christianity is to restrict an entity that by definition can't be known to be restricted.
Modern Christianity feels very "anti-god" to me in a weird way because they act like they "know God" better than other people.
Idk. I don't think I'll ever come to a final conclusion on the topic, and I wouldn't want to. But I like exploring my philosophy and expanding it by folding in ideas from my personal experiences. I'm always willing to question everything, but I can also choose when not to question it.
Yeah, I agree with that. I think it's the same sentiment as what I feel towards my parents. I didn't ask to exist, but they created me anyway and now I have to live with the consequences of their actions. Regardless of what my parent's intentions were, I have been subjected to human experience through no choice of my own.
BUT I'm not going to peace out right now because after digging myself out all the shame and self-loathing I've buried myself in I've actually come to enjoy being alive.
So on the one hand I curse my parents for my existence, but I also thank them. The ability to explore the gamut of human emotions is fun, even if those emotions fuckin' suck sometimes.
I'm constantly going back and forth on whether or not I believe in "God" because every time I try to imagine what that would even mean my understanding of reality shifts in a way. I certainly don't believe in a white bearded man living in the clouds, but I believe in me, and I believe in you, and I believe in the you that believes in me and one day I'll find out if this drill really can pierce the heavens.
My interpretation was that the original sin was "eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil" aka developing consciousness. Once you have a consciousness and see the world in terms of "right" and "wrong" it's very difficult to go back, so people blindly stumble forward never questioning what good and evil really are because it requires an amount of self reflection that could lead to psychic suicide.
Uhhh... The internet? lol
You can get together with a small group of friends if you're more comfortable that way, but the sentiment is the same. Find some people and have fun remembering your shared past.