He literally showed up yesterday to take mine and I had to tell him I didn't own one. He didn't believe me and said I'd need to submit proof that I don't own a truck or else he'll come down on me with the full force of the United States Navy :( I'm so glad he's not running for re-election.
lol, I feel like my brain is going to explode if I try to wrap my head around the logic Trump is using to get to this conclusion.
Literally the type of line I'd use as a litmus test to see if people were cool.
I don't let what other people do ruin my happiness. If I'm happy with the work I'm doing and the amount I'm getting paid then I really don't care what other people do.
Guy Fieri?
Empathy is a hell of a drug.
I still love Pokémon, I just try not to let my nostalgia for the old games get in the way of enjoying the new ones. I try to judge everything on its own merit.
But yeah I agree, really animals are way more complex and interesting than anything you'd find in a game.
The hero's journey is the only story
Very true!
Magnemite is named after a magnet and Voltorb is an electric orb.
Tauros and Porygon are just one letter away from Taurus and polygon.
Ekans is snake backwards.
I'm open to having my mind changed, but I'm going to need more lol
Honestly I don't even think gen 1 Pokémon are anymore creative than the others. I was still a kid when the concept was new so they felt fresh, but pretty much every Pokémon I can think of is based on an existing archetype of some sort. Plant/Animal, inanimate object brought to life, spirits, dinosaurs, etc. Then you sprinkle on some regional flavor and there you go, you got a Pokémon.
"Identity" isn't something that belongs to the object, it's something that is assigned to the object by an observer.
Okay, I did some stretches and I feel warmed up.
My biggest complaint is that the answer to the question "So, we are forced to spend time and money on fighting crooked Joe Biden?" is "no".
He wasn't forced to fight Joe Biden. Instead of attacking Joe he could've focused on extolling his own virtues.
I feel like reacting this way indicates that he doesn't see himself as a candidate worthy of winning the election on his own merit.