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[–] RIotingPacifist 9 points 1 year ago (5 children)

But the only thing it's actually good at is generating languages, if they try and pretend to know stuff in fields, they're quickly exposed as frauds.

[–] RIotingPacifist 6 points 1 year ago

Nah GPT makes it a lot easier, it's the thing it's actually good at.

Before they were autogenerated with bad English, GPT can generate good English that is equally devoid of content

[–] RIotingPacifist 20 points 1 year ago

This is the result of alienation from your labor that capitalism excells at, get hobbies or start organizing as a way to break out of it.

We don't need to change the entire god damn system to be useful, but at least building towards it is infinitely more rewarding than doing nothing IMO

[–] RIotingPacifist 16 points 1 year ago

It's not pure greed though, if companies do not push down costs & push up revenues enough, they get replaced by those that do.

It is capitalism doing what it does "best", here's a clip from I'm A Virgo that explains it better than me:

There are niches where companies can hide out for a while, especially if they provide a service that needs local implementation, but social media isn't one of those niches, if you get outcompeted, your toast, no matter how big you peak, MySpace, Tumbler, Digg, Slashdot, etc, this is the monopolization effect of markets.

[–] RIotingPacifist 83 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Part of it is the standard crisis of capitalism, the profit you get from doing the same thing always declines, so over time you have to push up revenue (increasing prices, forcing people to pay, showing more ads, gathering more data, etc) & push down costs (fire engineers, run on less hardware, etc)

Part of it is capitalisms natural tendency to create monopolies, and the lack of competition in a given field causing the company to then lose sight of what it's good at to compete in a bigger field.

Part is that interest rates mean loans are no longer cheap, so taking on debt to get customer, to at some point down the line make money, is a less viable plan. Twitter is a special case where the bad loans are because that was the original deal not interested rate related, and Musk is trying to pull all of the enshitification levers at the same time.

Part is that CEOs generally don't have a fucking clue about their products or what they are doing (it's a circuit job about who you know/blow, not what you know), so once one CEO starts firing/enshitifying, the rest just copy them so as to not be left out.

[–] RIotingPacifist 5 points 1 year ago

I suspect his "logic" is that most users only read & do not interact or post (IIRC the general rule for socials is 90/9/1), so in addition to whatever technical reason, he thinks this is a genius way to get more subscribers.

Fucking genius move, so glad he's fired everyone who would disagree.

[–] RIotingPacifist 1 points 1 year ago

Capitalist trade necessitates competition & states, even if you ignore how violent setting up that trade network was, the need for competition to push profits up means you need to put down local competition or regulations (e.g the US (where the biggest companies reside) need to coup democratic leaders that get in the way of profits, such as the Iranian coup, etc), but people don't like that so you end up with counter revolutions which puts forces hostile to the US in power, and eager to give the US a bloody nose (but mostly through proxy wars).

And that's without even getting into the trade creating Cheneys who want war because it is profitable.

[–] RIotingPacifist 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

today poverty is the root of the entire problem.

Ignorance is bliss, but it's pretty hard to take anybody claiming to care about poverty seriously when your analysis of reality runs counter to obvious truths.

[–] RIotingPacifist 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

If Hawaii wasn't part of America and thus the rights of rich white people override the rights of locals, that might be true.

But Hawaii IS part of the US so it's not.

[–] RIotingPacifist 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

LMAO "we solved racism cuz Obama"

The US is still a white supremacists nation where white lives are placed above non-black lives, you can bury your head in the sand but systemic racism is very much real.

You can pretend you care about class, but if you're analysis of the material conditions ignore the fundamental structure of the US, you're not helping anyone.

[–] RIotingPacifist 5 points 1 year ago

End capitalism (& the nation state/state in general)

[–] RIotingPacifist 4 points 1 year ago

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