Agreed, to actually convince anyone who uses it to switch over to another one I would have liked to see an objective comparison of how solid the privacy features are on both browsers, that's the only relevant argument that matters to anyone regardless of their ethical beliefs, here the only thing that tarnished Brave's reputation for privacy was the injected affiliate URL parameters, that's pretty bad, but it has also been fixed since, doesn't mean we can blindly trust Brave now, but it's not as bad as it is made out to be. To make a counterpoint, I think it's good that there is a privacy focused Chromium browser, because they can take a stance against proposed Chromium changes, like the handicapped ad blockers under manifest v3 or the most recent WEI, Chrome still goes ahead and implements those, but Brave remains and keeps their Chromium saner.
Personally I barely use it, but for what I have seen it has its ups and downs, if we also bring who's behind the product into the picture then even Mozilla hasn't always done good and good alone
Does changing user agent mitigate some of those issues?
Out of the box Firefox is definitely not very privacy conscious, better than Chrome no doubt, but worse than Brave. It can be configured to be better than both or one can use Librewolf/Mullvad browser
Hahah, grazie per avermi fatto scoprire che adoro leggere l'anglitaliano.
Comunque è vero, a prescindere così starai un po' indietro con le versioni, poi non è una tragedia, le cose più importanti da tenere sempre aggiornate van benissimo con Paccopiatto.
Se ti senti avventuroso io ti consiglierei Vaniglia, sempre basata su Debjoanni (sì, ho cercato l'etimologia di Ian per inventarlo) anche se io non ci andrei finché non è pronta ~~Orcodi~~Orchidea
Bro what the hell, I'm legit tearing up 😭
You wouldn't download a company!
El Mao, la mia faccia quando Arco esiste davvero.
La menta comunque va duro, anche se in genere le distro basate (?) su Ubunto non mi attizzano troppo
*Eh ehm*, akshually it's systemd/Arch
The legendary eternal uptime
Excusé moi, je ne parle pas impérialisme???
See how that sounds?
If that's your only gripe with it, you can still access them by using one of the simple web servers available running inside Termux, that will also allow you to avoid CORS related problems, in fact it is the currently suggested method on MDN