Looks like a wasp pretending to be a fly, really. Might just be the Beedrill shape it kind of has.
For a moment, I thought this was a cryptid instance and briefly wondered what level of crazy believes that Bigfoot will put you in the ground if you don't believe in him.
Man, I had such high hopes for Anthony Mackie. He's been great in everything else. Can't out-act bad writing, though.
It was a common mentality there, which was amazing to me, considering it was a union job. But it turned out that was part of the problem, since unions guarantee overtime allowances.
I eventually realized it was because quite a few people were determined to take as much overtime as possible out of pure greed. They seemed to often believe they were somehow getting one over on management by working overtime. They didn't really need the money, and they truly didn't care about how little time they spent living their lives versus working. Getting two hours of time and a half meant more to them than any evening spent at home.
There were those that needed to pay their bills, but they were rare and completely overshadowed by the greedy. The majority of overtimers just wanted more money and less time at home.
The truth was most of the greedy were committing massive time clock fraud during their overtime and were relying on one another to keep the lie going that the overtime was needed. Then, anyone who didn't want the overtime was considered a threat to their profit margins, and so was treated with contempt.
Management knew, but didn't care, because employees selling their bodies was barely the cost of business. I mean, a single fastener, of which we would scrap hundreds without a care, would cost the company more than an hour of a full-time floor worker on double time and a half. It was worth more to them to keep ~~butts in seats~~ feet on the floor (just remembered that before I left, they took all the chairs away to keep people from sitting so much...) and eyes on the machines than it was to try and stop people from abusing the overtime system.
Overtime in manufacturing isn't going to make anyone a millionaire, but you might be convinced otherwise from how they behave. The money was amazing for manufacturing, the best you can get really, but it will never be enough to make me willing to miss time with my family.
While I generally approve of the actions Congress is taking on this topic, and I am very interested in all this UAP business, I actually agree with a lot of his sentiment. I mean, my god, why couldn't it be healthcare or UBI they united on... This might be a good step, but, people are also literally dying right now that Congress could be actively saving, and I'm not referring to anything UAP related with that. We have massive systemic issues, so this UAP stuff can feel like a slap in the face to people that are suffering. For example, my wife and I are being forced out of our home next year due to uncontrolled rent increases in our area. I'd be very inclined to be (more) furious at Congress as well if I wasn't a sucker for scifi.
EDIT: I also couldn't reply directly to him, for whatever reason. Just lemmy things, I guess.
A fun read, even if it's as substantial as smoke. The writer does his best to connect the dots of all the recent UAP news and sightings that have been happening. Still, his posts helped drive a fair bit of the engagement surrounding current events. The air of anonymity from places like 4chan really captures the imagination.
Difficult to explain, and the writer shows some fear that seems appropriate for the time period. The writer doesn't speculate as to what they saw out of fear of reprisal from God, and otherwise seems terrified in general. Also written accounts are rare.
I think we should remember, however, that humanity can be pretty creative from our own perspective. Look at Hollywood for the things we're capable of dreaming up, and then bear in mind that humanity has had that creative spark for its entire lifespan. There's a surprisingly good chance that the whole aliens thing is a phantom in the human gestalt, something that enough of us have wished to be real and enough others have hoaxed into life that it now has a life of its own.
Great shot! Is it me, or does it have an expression reminiscent of Chicken of Chickenthoughts?