I think you mean "I don't understand density in infinity".
Rare in this context is a question of density. There are infinitely many integers within the real numbers, for example, but there are far more non-integers than integers. So integers are more rare within the real.
They probably wouldn't take off.
Some problems get harder to do on bigger numbers. Like breaking a number into factors; the bigger the number, the harder it is to find the factors. Contrast this with, say, telling whether the number is even, which is easy even for very very large numbers.
There is a certain measure of how quickly problems get harder with bigger numbers called Polynomial Time; this is the P in P, NP, etc. I will omit the details of what polynomial time means exactly because if you don't know from the name, then the details aren't particularly important. It's just a certain measure of how quick or hard the problem is to solve.
So for the various types of problems:
- P - The list of problems that can be solved quickly. For example, telling if a number is even.
- NP - The list of problems where you can check the answer quickly. For example, factoring a number.
- NP Complete - A list of special NP problems where we know how to "translate" any NP problem into one of these NP complete problems. Solving a Peg Solitaire game is NP complete.
- NP Hard - Problems at are as hard as NP Complete or harder. The travelling salesman problem (finding the shortest route that visits a list of cities) and the halting problem (figuring out if a computer program will get stuck in an infinite loop) are NP Hard.
Yet another sad indicator of the state we're in, that the blunder is giving the senate enough time to find out how shitty the nominee is, rather than picking a shitty nominee.
Election reforms. IRV, public campaign financing, nix the electoral college, proportional representation, etc.
Is that even a close call? If Trump called me a shithead I'd wear that as a badge of honor. If Mr Rogers called me a disappointment I would question my life choices.
Yeah backreferences in general are not "regular" in the mathematical sense.
“It’s true that I hear lots of women, and men, who say ‘you’re very brave,’” she said. “I say it’s not bravery, it’s will and determination to change society.”
Prior to the 2016 election, I was hopeful that the freedom caucus and the rest of the far right was getting too crazy for the general public, and that its support would collapse leading to a bit of a normalization of politics.
Wishful thinking, in retrospect.
I think it's logically consistent to say "It was incorrect that I was not declared the winner of the election, and I should have served the corresponding term. But since the government did not recognize my election victory and I did not serve the term, I am still eligible to serve another term". I think it's inconsistent to say that Trump was elected for the purposes of the 22nd amendment, but was not elected for the purposes of serving the term.
(Please don't mistake me though; although I think Trump's position in this particular matter is logically self-consistent, it is not consistent with reality. He lost that election.)