Better experience turning them off.
I think that’s exactly what people will do.
Exactly, this whole conversation is about people who don’t train their dogs. Most of them because they can’t be bothered to learn how to.
Yesterday I saw a man with three large husky type dogs. He had them on the traffic side of the pavement and they were pulling him in both directions. At least he had them on a stout lead and not one of those retractable things.
Please can I just add to this.
At the moment pricing doesn’t account for different values of money as it’s not been localised.
Two examples, at the moment lifetime is £29.99 in the UK which is $37.80.
Also, the average Indian worker earns the equivalent of $3 per day.
So localised pricing is essential for any app.
The thing is, as humans we can learn how to care for animals before we take them on.
What sort of thing do you like?
There’s a good Star Trek community and a Lemmy.World general chat community.
I don’t know why you are being downvoted. I was talking about this with another dog owner.
People haven’t trained their dogs to walk at heel.
You often see owners being almost dragged along pavements with the dogs on the road side.
Dogs on a long leash while near a road or people.
Etc etc
I didn’t enjoy firefish, it was buggy and seemed to have a lot of gatekeeping.
I think I’ve already suggested that. You put extra themes and app icons or anything that requires ongoing support eg notifications, translations, enhancements (eg some apps allow comments to be unrolled) behind a paywall or subscription.
Any content moderation or safety tools are in the base.
But is he getting it? (Answer is no)
So will you take a second look at what is behind a paywall? Lemmy is a different place and people are used to being able to mute and filter. Because frankly, Lemmy doesn’t have the moderation and reporting tools that Reddit did.
Re: how much the subscription and lifetime are. Put very simply Lemmy and Avelon are not in a condition where they are worth that much.
Thank you for summing up my feelings
I think we all want Avelon to succeed but this pricing model just seems wrong and I fear it will be counterproductive ☹️