NYT: 1:25, I suck. Also, 0614AM, such ungodly hour to be awake, let alone do puzzles in a foreign language. Yes, im pulling that card.
NYT: 1:02, could have gotten a sub minute time, but got one letter wrong and it threw me off
Yeah, no, only got a few on first pass, not going to spend time googling 90% of the puzzle. I surrender! Show me mercy, crossword gods!
Im embarrassed to say i put lust. 😬
NYT: 1:38, new phone, who dis? Started with getting 1A wrong, and went down from there.
NYT: 1:20, dont know why, not that difficult. Lets blame that its 0629AM.
NYT 1:00, lacking knowledge of broadway actresses and 6A got me wondering to much, forget you americans love to jam two words together and call it a solution. Also, had no idea 4D was how you spelt it, thought it was without the D, insert laugh for penis innuendo here, so definitely learned something today.
NYT: 0:49, finally one where i didnt feel like an idiot!
NYT: 2:04, massacre
NYT: 1:13, blame my lack of ambition
NYT: 2:45, golf sucks anyway
NYT: 1:17, i still suck. Lacking dr zeus knowledge, and apparently the ability to zoom out and look at the bigger picture and not just focus in on a few letters, made me fumble the ball.