NYT: 1:01, again super bowl! Also have to admit im very ignorant on the subject of korean movie directors.
joined 1 year ago
NYT: 1:36, typing with one hand is not fast when you got small hands and a big phone. Also lost do much time because apparently im to dumb to see the difference between got and get.
That mindless clue and how New Girl spells her ridiculous name made it tricky for me.😬
NYT: 1:41, extremely happy with that one
NYT: 0:48, got 4A wrong on first pass, threw a wrench in the works, also mobile typeos.
NYT: 0:58, is it wrong of me to feel like shedding a tear for a time under 1:00?
NYT: 1:20, 0635am is to early for this.
Some people are just wild.
NYT: 2:45. Typing while in bed takes so much time. Also, triggered by 10A, so effing dumb.
NYT: 1:44, running out of excuses now. I guess im just mediocre, at best. 😭
NYT: 1:22, mistakes galore
NYT: 1:59, but i looked up what you guys call that stuff you put between tiles, and i dont know much about maine tbh