Trove and Wizard 101 are pretty predatory, but kids might not see it that way until they accidentally do, but you can see it right from the start.
joined 2 years ago
I remember an episode of Pawn Stars featuring these exact weapons and it is as you say, they’re for crowd control on a ship.
I’m absolutely enjoying it. I’m excited to wake from my afternoon naps and from my nightly sleep to do the research and see what Pokémon I get. I don’t mind selling my biometrics and behavioural patterns for gamifying my life, not like that information hasn’t already been sold dozens of times having a smartphone.
Great game! Finished plenty of runs myself, and never had a problem with their cosmetic battle passes, but this is a crazy good step in the right direction! I wish they would add more content though…I’ve beaten the same 3 final bosses far too many times to find it enjoyable anymore.