Supposedly stops it from boiling over
Aka the super fascist batman story
Aktuallee the original had the N word instead of my brother in christ
Because I'm supposed to trust MIT as if it's never gotten CIA funding ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nope, that's what they want you to think. Just wait a few decades and we'll find out tin foil hats will actually have some use
You know most of the poorest states in the US are red right? Like by a decent majority
The only words I remember understanding in that intro opening night were "you're a big guy" "for you"
Apparently they patched it after a few days to make it more understandable but from what I saw on DVD later it was still pretty bad
Also you never said why you'd pick the 100s.
What is worth? Would you rather have 500 1s or 5 100s? You already said you'd take the 100s, why? I would take the 100s because I personally value the convenience of 100s more than the 1s, so to me, a single 100 is worth more than 100 1s. Worth doesn't need to imply the monetary value of the money.
The convenience/utility makes the 100s worth more even if they're both valued the same
If utility isn't the reason why you're picking 100s then why would you if they're the same amount?
Only valid retort
Link to video because nobody did that yet