
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Nunja, warum nicht? Das Abendessen braucht meist mehr Zutaten.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Does porridge or overnight oats with fruits count?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago


You two are divorced. In fact it would be usual that everyone lives separate. The easy thing to do is: don’t tell until everything is fixed. He keeps living where you currently are, you find a place nearby (which is a courtesy, actually). Nearby for the kids, that they can visit you both without much struggle, but separate for your well-being.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago

Interesting. I absolutely would horrify people. Especially children. Like ruining their sleep. Mess with them until they are admitted to the funny farm. Grow a habit out of that and do that over and over again, in different areas of the world until I become a legend of a nightmare that actually comes true.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Our public library has the function to borrow e-books (called onleihe, but this counts only for some libraries in germany). I use this a lot.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

Meistens aufrunden zum nächsten Euro; maximal also ein Euro - Es sei denn der Service war über alles Erhaben und irre gut, dann bis zu fünf Euro.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Putzlappen gerne von Jemako, die sind echt klasse.

Auf meine Kitchen Aid (Artisan) Küchenmaschine möchte ich auch nicht mehr verzichten.

Und meine elektrischen Rolladen, die bei bestimmter Sonneneinstrahlung oder Temperatur automatisch wieder herunterfahren würde ich ebenso schwer vermissen.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Seidensticker ist so meine Marke bei Hemden, aber die klingen auch nicht schlecht. Ich hasse nur das Gwerch mit Schlimm-Line usw. Da brauche ich echt immer jemanden, der beraten und mir ein normalen Schnitt geben kann. Kennst du Läden, in denen man die Marke bekommt?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I think it is, especially when the default doesn’t communicate well with a different ecosystem (Android vs iOS). So installing a app that gives you more features than plain text and works with all relevant mobile os worlds absolutely makes sense.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I am from Germany


This has been a while and I had a pro forma manager (actually, we switched roles now and then, sometimes he was my manager, sometimes i was his) who backed me every time and vice versa. We still are friends.

Without going into details, a part of our job were reports. Now, the marketing used to come up with „we need this and that“ and my job used to be to translate this request into something useful and something the upper management could read. More often than not those requests lacked a understanding of the overall market, but that‘s why I was involved. And I often just translated it just informing what I have done.

As in the market, sometimes the figures are, well, not as good as expected. Who to blame? The market? The Planning? No, the reports are tinkered, thats why this looks so bad. So one day my (to that time) boss came up to me and said: „DO NOT THINK!“ to which I tried my most unintelligent „Huh?“.

We had actually a good laugh and he explained to me that they expected me from now on to exactly write the reports as requested. And the reports will be run only over him (aka he just automatically forwarded me the requests triggered by some keywords). But every conversation about we‘ve had ended with „and remember: do not think!“.

I really hated this time, but I did exactly as I was told. It hurt to see the nonsense, the not matching comparison. But - I shall not think. The figures looked better, but were so ridiculous that after a couple of month our General Manager came to us and asked what is going on after marketing couldn‘t explain the reports - again.

Me not wanting to hurt the company did actually double work, one report for the marketing and one (correct) one to be stored for later (and my boss) as I was fully aware of this situation. We could explain. We even had comparisons ready and something for him to report to his regional manager.

Of course this had an impact. Suddenly, the position „head of marketing“ was vacant. One HR who threatened us with „repercussions“ left the company shortly after. I think three other folks got demoted (and left after a couple of month). And the GM greeted us with „you are free to think again“ for a week or two.

(Postet this originally on reddit, but this was on the last day of apollo, so I never returned. Thought, I‘d share it with you instead)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Oh my gosh, I so hope they shot themselfes in the food, healed with an underlying infection, develop sepsis, recover from this and fetch mrsa in the hospital just to die from falling down the stairs.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I would presume so. Both contain aspertame, and afaik this is the reason why they say it is carcinogen. So very much „diet“ stuff and sweeteners has this in, you should be careful.

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