
joined 1 year ago
[–] PorradaVFR 46 points 17 hours ago (2 children)


…..but, talk to Kamala Harris about policies and record?


Coward. Total and utter chickenshit.

[–] PorradaVFR 23 points 1 day ago

So she can flip flop and bend tye knee to the guy that she insisted was wrong for our nation…but her supporters likewise changing their minds….shocked Pikachu

Screw her. She used to have some measure of principle. No more.

[–] PorradaVFR 7 points 2 days ago




It’s an implied threat so I don’t have to pay. Makes total sense.

[–] PorradaVFR 10 points 1 week ago

The plastic drain cleaners at home improvement stores with the Velcro tips work really well. They’re like 2’ long but in my experience cleaning the wife and kids long hair out of the bath drain has show that to be plenty.

The added fact that I have basically no hair on my head also makes be a tad bitter about always being the “handyman” guy of our family. :p

[–] PorradaVFR 6 points 1 week ago (6 children)

I despise the guy but absolutely do not endorse political violence. That is a slide which we do not want to go down as a nation, it all but guarantees a descent into chaos.

[–] PorradaVFR 1 points 1 week ago

My man!


[–] PorradaVFR 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

indeed. Inside canned food, there are dead corpses of bacteria only,

Well, not just that right? I mean some tuna or Spam makes it in as well surely.

[–] PorradaVFR 7 points 2 weeks ago
[–] PorradaVFR 7 points 2 weeks ago


I bet you stick your pinkie out when you sign documents.

[–] PorradaVFR 3 points 2 weeks ago

As with the legislative removal of former President Collor from office once again Brazil is demonstrating to the U.S. that you can actually enact Democratic policies and enforce legal due process.

[–] PorradaVFR 35 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Well, “non” I suppose.

…too much oui oui in the water.

[–] PorradaVFR 35 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

The rules of the Senate, as undermined by McConnell and inexplicably tolerated by Schumer ensure it won't happen.

That co-equal branches thing was nice while we had it.

Sharks Trade Hertl (self.sanjosesharks)

After the news I came here to see what other fans thought and no posts in months was a bummer. Nothing about Couture missing the rest of the season, nothing about our best remaining Shark going to (ugh) Vegas.

Ugly day for Teal.


Came here excited to join a discussion about those last few laps and….no threads posted?


The battle between Pramac Ducati, KTM and factory Duc was an old school nail biter…loved it!

Not gonna post the finishers just in case but if you didn't watch it, do it!


It appears at least some of the indicted players in the Trump indictments in Georgia are asking to change to Federal court…but these are State charges not Federal - how could a Federal court hear the case(s) in that situation? Would it enable a potential Presidential pardon which does not apply to State charges otherwise?

Is this a back door way to dodge the charges?

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