
joined 2 years ago
[–] PolyLlamaRous 2 points 1 day ago

In high-school some people froze their paintballs and it made dents. I would never suggest it.

[–] PolyLlamaRous 18 points 3 days ago (12 children)

I read a great comment on here from someone that destruction of Teslas on a lot is not the right tactic or is not as effective because of they simply get replaced (and more get made) and paid for with insurance money.

I read that spray painting personal Teslas is great for spreading the fear in media so that people don't buy one in the first place and they sit unsold on lots.

The orgional person that said it was much better with the points than me. Did anyone else see it / can link it it?

[–] PolyLlamaRous 5 points 1 week ago

Books or audio books on the subject of cults and conspiracy theories help to both understand this and eventually know what to do about it.

Unfortunately, you arguing with them about it most likely did only damage and no good. Stop. It will only make your parents more right wing (and you left) then drive you both crazy.

Here is a good place to start if you like: Hivemind by A.Montell Cultish BA S.cavanagh

Hit me up if you want more. But it's a complicated subject that can't be explained in a short lemmy post. If you want any other advice, OP, eatsomeveggies.

[–] PolyLlamaRous 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The poster actually says "we protect your kids".

[–] PolyLlamaRous 3 points 1 month ago

In China their version is this greeting is "have you eaten yet?". This also should not be taken as a invite to way over share about your eating habbits to strangers. You can interpret either as Hi.

[–] PolyLlamaRous -3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Trump does not want Greenland, never did. He also doesn't care about the gulf of Mexico or Panama cannel.

It's just a distraction and negative media overload method that he uses. And you know what, it works. Here we are talking about this and not the serious things.

[–] PolyLlamaRous 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Calm everyone. Trump does not want Greenland, never did. He also doesn't care about the gulf of Mexico or Panama cannel.

It's just a distraction and negative media overload method that he uses. And you know what, it works. Here we are talking about this and not the serious things.

[–] PolyLlamaRous 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

Jein. It's not as bad as OP makes it sound, and I've never seen a 10 let alone 12 organic eggs in Germany for 2€ but I also live in the city.

What you're looking at here look like organic (bio) eggs, likely from a very expensive bio-store. Typical prices for eggs in Denver for organic eggs are 7.49 for 12 or .62Β’ a egg at a store comparable to REWE. - Non-bio eggs get down to 4.99 on sale for 12 or .41 an egg.

Here at my REWE in KΓΆln organic eggs are 3.39 for 10 or .33 an egg. So they are actually only twice the price for organic which is due to the killing of millions of chickens because of bird flue.

[–] PolyLlamaRous -2 points 1 month ago

Eggs are now 33$ in Denver guys!!

Na... Just kidding... We don't do click bait here. And eggs aren't really 10$ a dozen most anywhere.

[–] PolyLlamaRous -3 points 2 months ago

Meh, clean it first and it'll probably be alright. If if have issues stop using it.

[–] PolyLlamaRous 13 points 2 months ago (3 children)

An educated public is great. A highly educated public, all the better. In my eyes there is no over educated, but rather jobs should not be below certain people to do. One on the best bakers / pastry chef's I worked with got his first degree in chemistry (which he still loves chemistry and does projects as side hobbies).

[–] PolyLlamaRous 2 points 2 months ago

I saw it again so I tracked down the answer - "What Does She/They Mean? She/they pronouns are pronouns that are often used by non-binary people who are assigned female at birth as well as transfeminine people. Usually, people use she/they pronouns to signify their connection with femininity while affirming their non-binary identity."


It's 10:00 on October the 24th


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