I thought so too, that's why I took the picture! And to think just 30 seconds before and after this picture was taken the entire mountain top was encased in thick AF fog...
Would have been so easy to miss!
I thought so too, that's why I took the picture! And to think just 30 seconds before and after this picture was taken the entire mountain top was encased in thick AF fog...
Would have been so easy to miss!
Let's be real here, we usually just stick all of them in a blender and pour ourselves one glass of perfectly mixed accent juice
Barrayar. Giant SciFi world, tons of cool characters, politics, action, romance and intrigue. All in all it probably would make for a pretty great series.
I have good news and bad news, you can indeed watch Samuel Comes in a TV series, but it's utter shit. They just took the names and fucking butchered the rest. It's called "The Watch" if you really want to do this to yourself.
Somewhat related, the hogfather and going postal adaptations are great!
That is very highly dependent on your definition of great. Compared to cheap ass shit 20 years ago, sure. But compared to quality today, no.
Lots of them, yes. But most of them aren't designed there. And yes, I am aware that there are reputable Chinese brands, but the Chinese genetics are not those.
Honestly not much. I interacted a lot more with people on squabbles before that went to shit, but now I am a bit like the friendly pink blob that gets punched back into its box and swears to never come out again...
Which they do, by the means of black body radiation.
The 9€ and now 49€ ticket were pretty great decisions.
Maybe, or any animation really. Still live action would be the thing I would look forward to the most.