
joined 2 years ago
[–] Pipoca 2 points 11 months ago

Call him a Nazi, he won't even frown "Ha, Nazi, Schmazi" says Wernher von Braun

[–] Pipoca 2 points 11 months ago

In areas that get cold, you can't just use a heat pump. Residential heat pumps are only good to about 20 to 25f.

That was true a couple decades ago, but hasn't really been true in a while.

A combination of inverters, variable speed compressors, vapor injection, and using slightly different refrigerants means there's a number of cold climate heat pumps on the market that will heat down below -13°F.

[–] Pipoca 3 points 11 months ago

Wood stoves often just have radiators or fans powered by heat differentials.

They're more of a solution for small cabins than mcmansions, though

[–] Pipoca 6 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Symbols display with friendly string-y names in a number of languages. Clojure, for example, has a symbol type.

And a number of languages display friendly strings for enumy things - Scala, Haskell, and Rust spring to mind.

The problem with strings over enums with a nice debugging display is that the string type is too wide. Strings don't tell you what values are valid, strings don't catch typos at compile time, and they're murder when refactoring.

Clojure symbols are good at differentiation between symbolly things and strings, though they don't catch typos.

The other problem the article mentions is strings over a proper struct/adt/class hierarchy is that strings don't really have any structure to them. Concatenating strings is brittle compared to building up an AST then rendering it at the end.

Edit: autocorrect messed a few things up I didn't catch.

[–] Pipoca 2 points 11 months ago

It's powdered cheese sauce.

It's mostly made using spray dryers. Basically, a spray dryer uses hot air to quickly dry a fine mist of something. It's how they make milk powder and egg powder as well.

[–] Pipoca 5 points 11 months ago

Suppose one year you spend $60k, but only earned $50k. You lost $10k.

The next year, you spend $57k, and earned $53k. You lost $4k, and your losses narrowed by $6k.

[–] Pipoca 17 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Disney+ lost 1.3 million subscribers in the final quarter of 2023 amid a hefty price hike that went into effect last fall, but managed to narrow its streaming business’ losses by $300 million during the October-December period.

That doesn't really sound like it backfired to me. They lost subscribers but made more money.

[–] Pipoca 3 points 11 months ago

Baked pasta works better if you start off only parboiling the pasta so it doesn't overcook.

[–] Pipoca 3 points 11 months ago

American cheese is not a fancy cheese, yeah. It also isn't great cold.

It is a pretty decent cheese sauce, though. It doesn't taste starchy, with a muted cheese flavor like mornay does. If you put extra sharp cheddar or smoked gouda in homemade mornay or homemade American, the homemade American will be noticeably cheesier. Having made homemade mac and cheese a number of ways, I strongly prefer homemade American to any of the other recipes I know.

I only really eat store-bought American melted, such as on eggs in a breakfast sandwich, on a burger or grilled cheese.

Also, there's plenty of decent American cheeses, like Humboldt fog, Maytag blue, or rogue river blue. American cheese is called that, but it doesn't define American cheese making.

[–] Pipoca 11 points 11 months ago (4 children)

American cheese isn't made of plastic in the sense of polymers, it is plastic in the sense of being easily deformed or molded.

At its most basic, American cheese is literally just cheese, water and sodium phosphate. It's "not cheese", but in the sense that meatloaf isn't meat and mayonnaise isn't eggs.

[–] Pipoca 4 points 11 months ago

It's not that there's anything unnatural about water. It's just not a remedy for anything but dehydration.

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