
joined 1 year ago
[–] PiousAgnostic -1 points 3 months ago

Yep, you are selling propaganda that you don't believe. I believe you are a liar of the worst kind.

Your overdramatic morale outrage is as false as all your posts.

[–] PiousAgnostic -2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Let me be more clear?

You are lying and speaking propaganda. And it makes you untrustworthy.

When people sell things this hard, I know they are stupid or a liar. And I'm calling you a liar.

[–] PiousAgnostic -2 points 3 months ago (4 children)

So the definition of genocide was changed to prevent the old definition of genocide from happening.

So it is exactly what I was arguing. You just changed the meaning of the word to make your rhetoric sound worse than reality.

Honestly. No lie. This makes me wonder how else your group is changing the meaning of words to paint the picture you want people to see.

Speak plain truths, they are damning enough. Lies hurt your argument.

[–] PiousAgnostic -1 points 3 months ago (6 children)

I mean you can down vote me, then throw a wall of text at me that no one is going to read. But it doesn't change the reality.

40 some thousand dead out of a population 5 million people. War is truly fucked up. We don't have to change the definition of Genocide to try and make a point. It makes the argument sound fake. Like you want to force a response for fiction.

[–] PiousAgnostic -2 points 3 months ago (8 children)

Genocide seems like a strange word to keep throwing around. According to Palestinian health officials 42,000 people died. And Palestinian's population is like 5 million.

42000 dead is awful. But it's less than 1% of 1% of the population. If Isreal is trying to eliminate all of them, it'll take 1000's of years at this rate.

[–] PiousAgnostic 2 points 3 months ago

Shhhhhhhh it's ok. Don't hurt yourself.

[–] PiousAgnostic 16 points 3 months ago (4 children)

I don't think Eugenics or racist is the correct ideas to use here. Less population just means smaller. Not a specific phenotype of human needs to be culled from existance. Just a smaller population.

All biological systems have population limits, and lots of evidence points that humans have passed those limits by quite a bit. Normally, there would be a population collapse due to food scarcity, but humans are capable of pushing those limits with agurcultural science. That doesn't mean that there are not huge determental effects on the world as a whole for there being an never ending exponential growth of people.

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