It's not recent update but basically your ships gear slots - weapons, shields, landing gear, etc - and cargo slots were 1.
This way you could do interesting builds.
Ship which has all slots filled with ships equipment and your big ship is for cargo, etc.
Right now you have dedicated cargo slots and dedicated equipment slots. Ofc they are smaller than when they were combined...
I am still salty about equipment/cargo slots overhaul...
The warlord's fat wallet.
I agree. I even added "no civilians" to make it as hyperbolic as possible yet it flew over everyone's head.
Her grandma is 46.
So lets say the granny got preg at 16 and her mother too.
46 - 16 - 16 is 14.... That's too young for husband...
46 - 15 - 15 is 16... OK, that's better and worse at the same time 🫠
(This means that that the average age of impregnation on their side is around 14 - 15 yo 🤨)
Canada seems as the only sane choice.
USA is fine if you are rich - majority of people aren't.
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, China, united Arab emirates, Iran, Kuwait - may as well label them country A, variant X.
Brazil - not sure about this one.
Because there's a lot of naive people who think that we can fight lobbying of big corporations by bunch of people and small business cooperation with each other.
Imagine bunch of people trying to cooperate in lobbying vs 1 paid lawyer with unlimited budget
No, I bathe